Tuna price-fixing probe

Veteran faces time behind bars BUMBLE Bee Foods veteran Walter Scott Cameron will likely see a prison term of at least 10 months, pay a $USD25,000 fine and agree to testify in tuna price-fixing investigation, following

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The journey of life

THOUSANDS of Catholics across the Pacific celebrated Ash Wednesday this month as they began preparations for Easter. While this is a mainly Catholic tradition, more Christian denominations now take part in this ancient

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Ego clash FOR how long will Fiji stay away from the region’s biggest tourism event in the manner of the school yard bully? The whole region will gather for the SPTE 2017 in Sydney later this year but much of the

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River poisoning alert

Heavy metals concerns in proposed Sigatoka River mine MINING of the Sigatoka River on the southern coast of Fiji’s main island poses a real risk of severe marine life poisoning with flow-on effects on people who

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Koila’s House

Scion of chiefly family turns fashion heads KOILA Ganilau is descended from two of the most powerful households in Fiji – the Ganilaus from Somosomo, Cakaudrove and the Maras of Lakeba, Lau. Both families

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Out of the shadows

Fashion emerges as new business IN a span of 10 years, fashion has emerged as a growing new industry in Fiji. This is evidenced in the fact that Fiji Fashion Week (FJFW) celebrates its 10th anniversary this May with a

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Out of the race

EXCLUSIVE Kepa wants support for Winston victims FIJI’S OPPOSITION Leader, Ro Teimumu Kepa, is out of the 2018 Election race.   That leaves the field clear for MajorGeneral Sitiveni Rabuka to lead SODELPA (the

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At death’s door

How Winston killed a sugar mill IT’S been a year since Tropical Cyclone Winston roared through Rakiraki in north-western Fiji leaving a trail of destruction and suffering in the small township. While the recovery

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How Cyclone Winston left us exposed

THE successive natural disasters that impacted the Fiji Islands in the first months of 2017 are a clear signal of the future – greater climate unpredictability, persistent droughts and stronger cyclones, resulting

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TC Winston Recovery Action assists commercial farmers

THE European Union (EU) has supported several disaster response and recovery initiatives in Fiji in response to the devastation caused by Tropical Cyclone Winston, but one particular action has focused on recovery for

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Ode to a Queen

Halaevalu Mata’aho Ahome’e May 1926 – February 2017 MUCH loved by her subjects, respected throughout the kingdom, Queen Halaevalu Mata’aho ‘Ahome’e was laid to rest in the Royal Tombs

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Red flag day

China pledges to cut fleet sizes CHINA has pledged to reduce its fleet of medium- and large-sized vessels by 8300, and its total fishing fleet by 20,000 vessels. The move comes after the announcement of a raft of

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