Eyes on the prize

Pacific tourism heads to Europe

WITH less than two months before the South Pacific Tourism Event in Sydney, Australia, a major campaign is underway to draw attention to the region. Over March and April a series of events planned throughout Europe will seek to draw attention to Pacific destinations. Headed by the South Pacific Tourism Organisation, the events will target major European cities – Barcelona, Manchester, Milan, Prague and Zurich.

Meet The Pacific – the name given to the event – will be a series of day-long business to business meetings allowing Pacific tourism suppliers to meet key European buyers and travel agents. “It’s a great way for South Pacific tourism bodies and operators to meet industry buyers in Europe for a short time and maximise their resources with maximum impact for their particular destinations, products and services,” said SPTO Marketing Manager, Alisi Lutu.

Last month the SPTO took part in a consumer tourism fair, Visit Pacific, in Malmo, Sweden. The campaign is an aggressive approach into the European market in an effort to grow the region’s traditional visitor base of Australia and New Zealand. Airlines, hotels, tour companies and cruise operators – 33 in all – from Fiji, the Cook Islands, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Tahiti and Vanuatu participated in the event.

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