Tuna price-fixing probe

Veteran faces time behind bars

BUMBLE Bee Foods veteran Walter Scott Cameron will likely see a prison term of at least 10 months, pay a $USD25,000 fine and agree to testify in tuna price-fixing investigation, following a plea deal with prosecutors. The US Department of Justice has recommended Cameron’s sentence will fall under level 12 of federal guidelines, which could mean at least a 10-to-16-month prison term.

It will also include the $25,000 fine and a $100 special assessment although he will not be asked to pay victim’s restitution due to the ongoing civil lawsuits, the agreement states. Bumble Bee is the major buyer of tuna loins from the Pacific Fishing Corporation based at Levuka, Fiji. PAFCO describes its core business as “loining of tuna (round fish) for Bumble Bee.

The secondary component of PAFCOs operations are canning, fishmeal production, and fish oil extraction by a third party.” PAFCO signed a seven-year tuna loining processing agreement in 2002 with Bumble Bee Foods LLP, following the successful operation of the initial loin processing agreement with Bumble Bee from 1998. The agreement has since been extended twice, with the current extension valid until 2017.

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