TC Winston Recovery Action assists commercial farmers

THE European Union (EU) has supported several disaster response and recovery initiatives in Fiji in response to the devastation caused by Tropical Cyclone Winston, but one particular action has focused on recovery for commercial farmers and enterprises in the agriculture and aquaculture sectors. Under the Increasing Agriculture Commodity Trade (IACT) Project TC Winston Recovery Action, the European Union dedicated FJ$4.3 million to rebuilding the commercial productive sector, moving beyond the level of subsistence farming and informal trading.

The EU Delegation for the Pacific, Head of Cooperation, Mr. Christoph Wagner said: “In response to the destruction caused by TC Winston one year ago the European Union has been proud to play an important role in Fiji’s recovery process through a range of different initiatives.

The very practical support provided under the IACT project in key agricultural and aquaculture sectors, including fresh produce, coffee, cocoa, beekeeping and pearls, made an important difference, helping to get commercial farmers and communities back on their feet.

By restoring and strengthening disrupted value chains in the local agriculture and aquaculture industries, the project also contributed to building a more resilient future for businesses and local communities.” Focusing on sustainable and resilient recovery and not just response, support was directed at the repair and rebuilding of damaged infrastructure and operations, and priority was given to ensuring that assistance would enhance the strategic development of the sector.

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