Ramrakha, a son of Fiji

Former Fiji politician KC Ramrakha, ran foul of the Indiandominated National Federation Party during the faction fighting of 1977. He speaks to ISLANDS BUSINESS about politics, sugar and life. PART TWO The kind that

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Will PACER Plus go ahead without largest economy?

PNG key to trade deal THE big question after PACER Plus talks in Brisbane this month will be simple – Do Pacific nations intend to carry on with this regional agreement without Papua New Guinea? On the first day

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US, Pacific clash over ocean riches

It’s TUNA stocktake time ON the docks of San Diego, Pacific fishing crews stand idle, their million dollar boats have nowhere to go. To the east the once accessible tuna grounds still teem with fish but the

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PNG Tourism seeks a boom

PAPUA New Guinea’s usually underrated tourism sector is for the first time seeing a strenuous commitment by any government with a K50 million 2016 budget funding and a new aggressive minister that is intent on

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A tale of two presidents

After decades of campaigning for independence in French Polynesia, Oscar Manutahi Temaru has announced he will stand for election as French President in 2017. Temaru’s electoral bid comes as France’s current

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Sogavare accused of paying militants to stay in power

ANY minister of backbenchers who wish to desert Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in late 2015 would be forcefully bought back by former militants. “Or if they could not find the Minister or Backbencher, then they

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100 day plan: Cost cutting and control

 THE launching of the 100 Day Plan of the new Government says much about the leadership of Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas. Yes, he will lead. More importantly he will unite. Disunity has brought this country five

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‘The nature of elections’ in Samoa

FROM the outside, it looks as if the imbalance of power had not changed a bit. The ruling party swept back into power in the predicted landslide, winning at least 44 of 49 seats. “As leader, and on behalf of the Human

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Climate, not God

IT did not take long for people in Fiji to point to Tropical Cyclone Winston as having some connections to a wrathful God seeking to punish people. On social media, from pulpits and in the yaqona circles the link was

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Will Fijian economy weather Winston’s wrath?

SEVERE Tropical Cyclone (STC) Winston didn’t just leave death and destruction in its wake – it also left Fiji’s economy in a shattered state. Preliminary estimates by the Fijian government placed STC

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What Winston left behind: Death’s, debt and heartbreak.

$billion damage bill in the isles ALONG the dusty road in Fiji’s Tailevu North, sheets of mangled corrugated iron mark the path left by Tropical Cyclone Winston. Up hills and down valleys the pieces of tin

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SO US$38.6 million (FJ$81.85m) in 90 days should be enough to fund cyclone rehabilitation for the 350,000 in Fiji that were badly affected by super hurricane Winston, of whom 250,000 are in need of water and sanitation

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