Time to go pink

THE scourge of cancer is a threat no Pacific community can afford to take lightly. Each year, thousands of Pacific islanders are cut down – many in the prime of life – by an illness which could be eradicated if

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ADB to loan Fiji $341.1m

Confidence in Fiji economy THE Asian Development Bank has earmarked $341.1million in firm and tentative investments between 2018-2020. The ADBs country operations plan for Fiji 2018-2020 reveals this funding will be

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Samoan passports THERE is anger in Samoa after the Prime Minister revoked the diplomatic passport of the outgoing head of state. The PM, who is also responsible for the Immigration portfolio, was apparently well within

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Bula vinaka and greetings from Fiji. We approach COP23 in November with the global community at a crossroads in our collective response to climate change. The choices we make now will decide the fate of our planet and

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Vanuatu faces green growth challenges

THE need for rural electrification is a major issue faced by Vanuatu, with around 75 per cent of the population living in rural areas without electrification. In that regard, the island is establishing a National Green

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The Blue Pacific

AFTER the Forum leaders’ retreat in Apia, a final press conference was scheduled for 4pm. But more than three hours later, leaders were still arguing over the wording for the communiqué of the 48th Pacific Islands

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Take greater ownership

It hasn’t been an easy role for Meg Tayloe since taking her seat as Forum Genral Secretary. She tells Nic Maclellan of Islands Business about the meerting outcomes and her expectations for the region. Excerpts from

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Insurance for climate damage

ONE of the more contentious debates at this year’s Pacific Islands Forum involved a proposal from Tuvalu for a Pacific Islands Climate Change Insurance Facility (PICCIF). There is concern amongst some CROP agencies

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STOP to illegal logging leases

THE Papua New Guinea Government has finally decided to shut down illegal logging leases that have enriched foreign companies and dispossessed traditional landowners. The decision would put an end to a dubious

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Greener days are coming

1184 certified organic farmers THE historic launching of Organic Pasifika at Laminu Stadium on Tanna Island last month (September 20) certified 1184 organic farmers from Tanna alone. It is a signal that greener days are

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The road to PWA 2017

OVERSEAS travel by government officials can be quite controversial at times and often comes under the microscope in the Pacific. More often than not, criticisms are not way off the mark. Not for Vanuatu’s former

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Crisis in the kingdom

TONGA’s political events in the past three weeks took the region by surprise. First it was His Majesty King Tupou VI who did the unprecedented and disssolved Parliament, with it also sending Prime Minister ‘Akilisi

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