About to fall down

PNG – land of the mystic PAPUA New Guinea marks its independence this month, just weeks after the end of elections. This land of contrast with vast amounts of natural resources has been plagued by corruption and

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Melanesian challenge

Diplomat calls for greater sub-regionalism A SENIOR regional diplomat has called for more cooperation at sub-regional level to create more efficient service delivery by regional organisations. Melanesian Spearhead Group

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What can the 2030 What can the 2030 Agenda offer the Pacific?

A CONFERENCE being held in New York in June may seem to be of little interest to those in canoes or on beaches in the Pacific. “What’s this to do with me?” government officials, community leaders and fishers may

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Big brothers get deal they always wanted

THE regional free trade agreement, known as PACER-Plus was concluded last month in Brisbane, Australia. As usual, such events are met with great fan-fare and congratulatory press releases. New Zealand called the deal

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40 years on, Forum challenges remain

WHEN Pacific Islands Forum Leaders gathered in Apia, Samoa, in 1978, the then Prime Minister Honourable Tupuola Efi said: “The basic question that faces us, is that of deciding how to re-define the rules to assure

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Pacific exports increase

Exports Survey has found that business confidence among Pacific Island exporters has increased since 2014 with a growth in actual export numbers despite a decline in export destinations. Commissioned by Pacific Trade

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SPC, 70 years on

THIS year marks the 70th Anniversary of the Pacific Community – SPC, and we are excited at the timely opportunity to reflect and celebrate the shared progress we have made with our members and partners over the

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The clock ticks

Indonesia fails media test in West Papua JUST five months before Indonesia is set to host UNESCO’s 2017 celebration of World Press Freedom Day, its government still has not met a regional human rights

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ABC ditches short wave radio

Cuts to undermine Australia’s reach IN September 2016, New Caledonia and French Polynesia joined the Pacific Islands Forum, further linking the francophone Pacific territories with their anglophone neighbours. In

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Leaders agree to disagree on West Papua

THE issue of West Papua remains a headache for the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF). Member countries like Australia, Papua New Guinea and Fiji are reluctant to grant full membership to the United Liberation Movement of West

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And now there are 18

New Caledonia and French Polynesia join forum BURIED in the communiqué of the 47th Pacific Islands Forum, at item 30, is a single sentence: “Leaders accepted French Polynesia and New Caledonia as full

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Hollow words

Does Obama mean what he says DESPITE his recent call for a world without nuclear weapons, the United States under President Barack Obama is about to embark on a trillion-dollar modernisation programme. This will ensure

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