Pacific exports increase

Exports Survey has found that business confidence among Pacific Island exporters has increased since 2014 with a growth in actual export numbers despite a decline in export destinations. Commissioned by Pacific Trade Investment (PTI) Australia and conducted by ACA Research of North Sydney with Australian aid-funding, the Pacific Islands Export Survey 2016 is an important window into the activities and opinions of exporters from the Pacific Islands. The report is currently the only major survey of internationally active Pacific Island businesses and is based on data from Pacific Island export companies from 12 island countries, operating in over 30 international markets.

The survey reported the following key findings:

• Export confidence is very positive and continues to grow with three in four businesses predicting that their export orders will increase over the next 12 months.

• Exporters still face numerous barriers. A major challenge for exporters is obtaining finance/capital with two in three exporters stating this as a concern, this issue is more prevalent for newer exporters.

• Although the total volume of exports has grown from the 2014 survey, the number of countries exported to has decreased.

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