A tale of two magazines

IN April 2015 the owners of Front Page Limited bought Islands Business magazine from the Godfrey Scoular and the Estate of the Late Robert Keith-Reid. The decision was not easy, given the media landscape in Fiji and the

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Pacific loses gifted icon

“ACADEMIC space is so precious because it allows us to ask questions that sometimes we’re punished for asking off campus and what universities are supposed to uphold is that freedom – that freedom to

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No bull here AT least one person has fallen foul of the PNG-Fiji impasse on the bully beef trade. Fiji’s Biosecurity Authority boss, Xavier Khan, resigned suddenly from his position shortly after an announcement

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Rape in the name of religion

The vulnerable misled AFTER two convictions and with a third pastor still on trial for rape, social media discussions in Fiji have shifted from the gravity of the crime to moral analysis of the victims. Leaving no

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Silence of the rams

A WHITE New Zealander sits on a couch and spreads his legs from the knees, feet close together. He forms his arms, heavily tattooed, into a downward circle. “They would make us sit down between their legs, and

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End of the road for Somare

AN era came to an end on April 4 when Papua New Guinea’s ‘father of the nation’ and one of the longest serving parliamentarians in the Pacific and the Commonwealth, Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare took up his seat

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PM O’Neill upbeat

PNG prepares to go to the polls RIDING on the perceived success of the government’s core policies, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is confident of retaining government after the 2017 National Elections. Equally

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Hilda pushes her world agenda

AFTER 16 months in office, Marshall Islands President Hilda C. Heine has a busy schedule. On the international stage, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) has been active in global negotiations on climate change

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Ending the journey of Girmit

THE last Indian immigrant ship, SS Sutlej, carrying 875 indentured men, women and children, entered Suva Harbour on 2 November, 1916. No one knew it then that Sutlej would be the last vessel ferrying human cargo to come

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UNICEF pushes for proper data

POOR data collection continues to be a resource challenge in Papua New Guinea in the provision of maternal health care delivery, education and child support programmes. This has led to the United Nations International

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Step up in women’s rights

IN recent years, there has been increased awareness on gender-based violencerelated issues in the Pacific, in particular relation to violence against women (VAW). But it was difficult to gauge the overall impact of this

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Chaotic Melanesia

Is Melanesia the new Asia with its chaotic traffic ills AS an office worker in Suva, Fiji’s capital, Andy is used to spending a good part of her morning and afternoon stuck in bumperto-bumper traffic. “That’s

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