Battle for justice

Churches call for fair settlement AT the heart of the cry for justice in the Pacific is the damage to property and life caused by the region’s former and current colonial powers. The church has historically been

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Blast from the past

70 YEARS ON Fallout of America’s bomb in the Pacific remains WHEN Barrack Obama stood in the centre of Hiroshima, Japan, in May, the moment was hailed as a moment in history. The global media extolled the

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Blast from the past

70 YEARS ON Fallout of America’s bomb in the Pacific remains WHEN Barrack Obama stood in the centre of Hiroshima, Japan, in May, the moment was hailed as a moment in history. The global media extolled the

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The Region in BRIEF

Tuna Day THE Parties to the Nauru Agreement and the Pacific Small Islands Developing States celebrated World Tuna day at the United Nations last month. It was the first time the event was celebrated at the UN since

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Pacific unions reach across boundaries

FOR many years, the South Pacific and Oceanic Council of Trade Unions (SPOCTU) has linked unionists from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, to organise around wages, conditions and occupational health and safety.

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Drought fears grip Palau; Islands extend state of emergency

A PROLONGED drought blamed on the El Nino weather system has dropped water levels to an even critical threshold at the remaining reservoir that the National Emergency Committee (NEC) fears that without rain the

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