Going combo

November was an incredibly busy month where it saw Papua New Guinea stood tall in marketing itself and the rest of the Pacific with it to the world by hosting what’s deemed to be the largest ever conference to be

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Publisher’s Note

When Malaysia’s Prime Minister-inwaiting and leader of the Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Anwar Ibrahim spoke at the Singapore Summit on 15 September to talk about the state of his country, the lessons he shared were

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Rein it in PM Hou

It was a bitter-sweet kind of an anniversary for the people of Solomon Islands this past month when drug shortage in its main public hospital in the capital worsened. What’s suppose to be a celebration of what the

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Life in interesting times

LATE last month Papua New Guinea returned the government of Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to power – albeit with a much smaller majority. At the same time the people of the Pacific’s largest democracy removed three

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Voice against injustice

IN August 1945 the United States destroyed the Japanese city of Nagasaki with an atomic bomb in an event which changed the world forever. More than 70 years later the race for nuclear supremacy continues unabated. Just

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70 years strong

THE Pacific Community marks 70 years of service to the region this month in a quiet way in Noumea, New Caledonia. It is fitting that an organisation with humble beginnings should celebrate such a milestone in a subdued

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Top quality air

SO the Solomon Islands has the cleanest air in the world according to a World Health Organization report released last month. In fact the report states that the air in the Solomons has the least pollution or foreign

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Lead by example

IN April 1841 a French priest was murdered in the prime of his life on the island of Futuna. Pierre Louis Marie Chanel preached a message of lovå e, peace and obedience as he attempted to spread Christianity in a

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A tale of two magazines

IN April 2015 the owners of Front Page Limited bought Islands Business magazine from the Godfrey Scoular and the Estate of the Late Robert Keith-Reid. The decision was not easy, given the media landscape in Fiji and the

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The journey of life

THOUSANDS of Catholics across the Pacific celebrated Ash Wednesday this month as they began preparations for Easter. While this is a mainly Catholic tradition, more Christian denominations now take part in this ancient

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Making a Pacific mark

IN December we highlighted the achievements of Fiji’s national rugby sevens coach and named him Pacific Person of the Year. A few weeks later Ryan was honoured with the Rugby Union Writers’ Club award in England.

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Walk the talk

THIS year Fiji will chair the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change – COP 23 in Bonn, Germany. It is an event which is currently being touted as a major achievement for

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