Voice against injustice

IN August 1945 the United States destroyed the Japanese city of Nagasaki with an atomic bomb in an event which changed the world forever. More than 70 years later the race for nuclear supremacy continues unabated. Just last month North Korea defied the international community and tested a missile with nuclear capabilities. This act of defiance showed the world just how great a threat North Korea is to the world but also how little progress has been made in international detente.

It is not our wish to apportion blame to any single state, rather it is to point out that after 72 years the threat of nuclear war remains real. And therefore it is the duty of every responsible sovereign government to speak out against the continued proliferation of nuclear weapons throughout the world.

The Pacific had great success at international climate change talks in Paris two years ago, leading to Fiji’s chairmanship of COP23 in Germany this year. World leaders stopped and listened to the collective regional message because it was spoken from the very hearts of the people of Fiji, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, the Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.

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