Forum outcomes cover environment, security and gender

Meeting in Cook Islands, Pacific Islands Forum leaders confirmed former President of Nauru Baron Waqa as the next Secretary General of the Forum Secretariat, taking over from Henry Puna in 2024. A major focus of the

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Samoa at PIF2022: on gender and geopolitics

Samoa’s Fiame Naomi Mata’afa is attending her first Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting as Prime Minister in Suva this week. As leaders gather for their retreat today, Islands Business contributor, Sera

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Australia’s investment in gender equity

The newly appointed Australian Ambassador for women and girls, Christine Clarke, has marked her debut press conference with a strong message against gender-based

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Listen to the women

The unheard voices at every COP meeting By Netani Rika Across the world, advocates press for the voices of women to be heard at COP26 in Edinburgh, Scotland. For after decades of talks on climate change and despite the

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We Say: Culture cannot excuse violence

When news emerged of 20-year-old Jenelyn Kennedy’s death in Port Moresby in late June, Papua New Guineans and people across the region were horrified. Jenelyn’s youth, the horrific circumstances in which she

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What will stop the violence?

TWO huge programmes focused on the empowerment and protection of Pacific women and children costing more than USD70 million have been launched over the past couple of months, prompting calls from

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Feminist reflections on the Australian Aid Conference

ARE researchers from across Australia, the Pacific, Asia and beyond working on aid and development policymaking largely white and male? That was my first impression when I saw other registered

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Feminist reflections on the Australian Aid Conference

ARE researchers from across Australia, the Pacific, Asia and beyond working on aid and development policymaking largely white and male? That was my first impression when I saw other registered

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What will stop the violence?

TWO huge programmes focused on the empowerment and protection of Pacific women and children costing more than USD70 million have been launched over the past couple of months, prompting calls from

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Violence Against Women in the Pacific

In the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (DEVAW), violence against women is defined as any act of gender based violence that “results in, or is likely to result in, physical,

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Empowering Pacific rural women

47-year old Emily Qilarisa lives in Sepa, a remote village of around 240 residents in Choiseul Province in the northern most part of Solomon Islands. For the people in her community, the adverse impacts of climate

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Remove military presence, asks Fiji NGO Coalition

THE Fiji NGO Coalition on CEDAW has said as Fiji moves towards another election, it must show that a robust constitutional democracy has replaced all vestiges of authoritarian rule. In their written submission to CEDAW,

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