Bainimarama IB’s Pacific Person Of The Year

S ome 2000 years ago the world lay at the feet of the Roman dictator Augustus. That is of course, the world as it was known to Rome at the time. With the battle of Actium ended, his cruelties became more judicious and

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New kid on the block leads the way

As the year draws to an end, Pacific leaders will look to the success of regional détente with some satisfaction. Kiribati and the Marshall Islands have drawn global attention to climate change and rising sea

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Model charity saves lives

Vanuatu medics lead the region Ory Covo’s story is only one of dozens of people whose lives have been literally saved by the professionalism and dedication of the ProMedical paramedics and support staff. Out on

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Poet slams crisis into UN

I t was no surprise to friends of Marshall Islander Kathy JetnilKijiner when her delivery of a poem about the looming climate crisis sparked a standing ovation from heads of state at the United Nations General Assembly

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Disasters do happen, but are Pacific countries pointed in the right direction?

Geographically, the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) fall within one of the most disaster-prone regions on earth. And the region’s combined population of almost 10 million people is vulnerable to natural hazards

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Bainimarama storms home with massive victory

Party wins political fight with rugby campaign-style approach  Voting in Fiji’s 2014 General Election signaled overwhelming public support for incumbent Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama and gave legitimacy

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Bainimarama offers more of the same

If the people of Fiji had expected a smooth, less confrontational political life after the September elections, they will be disappointed. One day after being sworn in as Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama was at his

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Clearer skies ahead for economy

With its high dependency on tourism and agriculture, the Samoan economy is severely affected by natural disasters. In December 2012, Tropical Cyclone Evan is estimated to have caused damage of more than S$400 million

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Leadership choice crucial to Fiji poll result

Fiji’s September 17 General Election will be decided primarily on the quality of political leadership on offer rather than on political platforms and manifestos. Media-driven interviews and general political

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Samoa rolls out red carpet to the world

Proud moment for donors’ darling It’s Samoa’s biggest moment on the global stage. The third United Nations Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) Conference that gets under way on September 1 is

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Tokelau energy options

With almost all their electricity supply sourced from the sun, the 1,400 islanders of Tokelau are a living testament to what the Germanborn but English economist the late E F Schumacher advocated in his book ‘Small is

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Palau – where size doesn’t matter

Not counting the 400 or so volcano-uplifted little limestone islands that make up the spectacular Rock Islands, Palau is small. With a population of 21,000 living in the islands’ 16 states, the island republic

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