Multi-million dollar Fiji airport upgrade

NZ company wins $80 million contract Nadi International Airport will receive a massive $102 million facelift to give it an attractive and modern look as part of plans to create a striking impression of the South

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Mr. Nickel

SMSP’s Andre D ang transforms New Caledonia’s nickel industry It’s just days before New Caledonia’s elections and Andre Dang is angry. The conservative majority in the Southern Province Assembly

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Andre Dang

President & CEO of New Caledonia’s Société Minière du Sud Pacifique (SMSP) At his office in Noumea and on a trip to the Vavouto smelter, Andre Dang spoke to Nic Maclellan about the origins

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The rush to Fiji

So much to do, so little time, but Fiji’s Elections Office is optimistic By first June, the countdown clock on the Fijian Election Office’s official website would read 107 days to poll day. That website

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A nameless deadly storm

23 dead, 50 still missing in flash flooding in Honiara  I t left as quickly as it came. And despite it being nameless, the storm that whipped up flash floodings on April 2 had left a swathe of destruction in its

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Patrick Beni – the 10 year-old hero who lost it all

Ten year-old Patrick Beni was home that fatal Wednesday morning. Like other children of his age, he did not go to school due to the inclement weather, with non-stop rain almost all weekend. His mother was asleep in her

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The day the gods took over

There was nothing unusual about the heavy rain that began to pound Honiara on Wednesday April 2. Other parts of the country had been pelted by the heavy rain, causing flash flooding as well as extensive damage to roads,

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Fiji-born entrepreneur lands a logical acquisition

Suva born New Zealand technology entrepreneur Daven Naidu has acquired the entire national chain of Apple Computer retail stores across New Zealand. His Auckland based company Logical Systems, which also operates in

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Tukuitonga at the helm New boss of SPC sets out to fine-tune the Pacific

New boss of SPC sets out to fine-tune the Pacific’s largest organisation With three out of four deaths in the Pacific today caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the islands’ most immediate concern is

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New constitution is the key, says Fiji’s new military chief

Bainimarama makes way for career soldier Mosese Tikoitoga The new head of Fiji’s military Brigadier General Mosese Tikoitoga says the country’s new constitution should stay if there is to be no more coups in

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Climate ‘line in the sand’

“The 2007 IPCC report was rather a gamechanger in terms of people’s view of climate change,” says Dr Arthur Webb. His office is stacked high with maps of the Pacific, charts and technical reports.

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France’s nuclear legacy haunts French Polynesia

Last December, the United Nations General Assembly addressed France’s nuclear legacy in French Polynesia in its annual statement on decolonisation. The UN resolution “requests the Secretary-General, in cooperation

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