Since its inception, PNGUoT has always been a hub of energy training in several departments such as Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Applied Physics, Applied Science and Geographic Information Division at the Dept. of Survey and Land Studies.
Backed by well-funded laboratory and workshop facilities, as well as a large pool of overseas and locally trained Professors, Lecturers, Engineers and Technicians, the PNGUoT Sustainable Energy Research Institute (PNGUoT-SERI) brings together under one umbrella, all human and infrastructural capacity from all the departments of the University to provide an all-inclusive Renewable Energy (RE), Photo Voltaic (PV), Wind, Geothermal, Biomass and Hydro training program at PNGUoT.
RE training at PNGUoT can be classified into three categories.
Category 1
Undergraduate: Undergraduate degrees are awarded in the listed departments with the options for students to major or carry out their final year capstone projects in a Renewable Energy field.
Category 2
Post Graduate: Energy-Related MSc, ME, MPhil and PhD degrees are awarded at PNGUoT to cater for PG Energy Training of Engineers and Physical Sciences graduates.
In addition to these standard degrees, SERI has been awarded a grant donated by the UK Government to commence a capacity building program that will enhance the teaching and Certification of Energy Access, Energy Infrastructure Management, Design, Implementation and Energy Policy in the categories mentioned above to Masters and PhD levels. The scope will also cover relevant topics suitable as mainstream, as well as electives for PG students in Science, Engineering, Business Studies and Geographic Information Systems. The program is expected to commence with the first intake of MSc students in 2024.
Category 3
Solar Design & Installation Certification Short Courses: This is a new 7-module (Solar Design & Installer Certificates I-IV) course that will lead to the award of a PNGUoT-SERI Accreditation Certificate and Provisional License in Solar Design and Installation.
PNGUoT-SERI Solar Designer/Installer Training and Certification Program
This category 3 training comprise of a series of short courses and specialized modules. The pilot program in Solar, Wind and Hydro is designed for electrical engineers, licensed and unlicensed electrical tradesmen actively engaged in the electrical and solar sectors with a desire to gain modern skills in the design and installation of off-grid and grid-connected hydro and PV micro and mini-grid systems.
Considering the fact that the renewable energy industry is continuously changing with new technological advancement and improvements, the courses and modules will be routinely reviewed and updated accordingly. This will provide licensed electricians and engineers in PNG and the Pacific the unique opportunity to routinely update their technical trade and professional skills. Several new RE courses in the curriculum today were not in the mainstream syllabus a decade ago. This is due to improvement and global advancement of solar power infrastructure.
While some aspects of the SERI modules are modelled after an Australian State University Curriculum (aligned to the Australian Clean Energy Council requirements), some modules were shaped by the World Bank/United Nations/ADB sponsored training program provided to Developing countries. The SEAPI recommendations and certification proposals for pacific solar designers and installers were also taken into consideration.
The renewable energy goals of the Government of PNG and other Pacific Nations will become realistic if the issues of capacity building are addressed.
– SERI Secretariat 2023

N.B: For more information on renewable energy programs offered at the PNG University of Technology and/or PNGUoT Sustainable Energy Research Institute, email or visit