PNGUoT contributing to the development of ICT professionals in PNG & the Pacific Region

The PNG University of Technology (PNGUoT) proudly supports the inclusive development of female ICT professionals in line with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) objective to grow the number of women/girls that are making a career in the Information Communication and Technology world.

This is also in line with the Country’s national objective to empower women in PNG in its ICT-related programs offered at the undergraduate level. The University currently offers Bachelor of Business in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Engineering in Communications Engineering.

The Papua New Guinea University of Technology is one of the leading institutions in the Pacific and Papua New Guinea in terms of contributing towards the development of ICT professionals since 1970.

PNGUoT currently has over 100 female students studying in the ICT related fields.

As part of celebrating the achievements of ICT professionals and empowering young girls and women in the profession, PNGUoT observed the International Day of Girls in ICT (IGICT) on April 27 and this month observes the Telecommunications and Information Society Day on May 17.

International Girls in Information and Communication Technologies (IGICT) was an initiative of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to create programs that encourage girls and young women to consider studies and careers in information and communication technologies (ICT) since April 8, 2011.

IGICT provides female leaders and professionals with an opportunity to share their experience and inspire young girls and women. The program also aims to empower and educate more girls to take up courses in STEM fields, including ICT.

Through such opportunities and partnerships with key industry agencies such as the National Information and Technology Authority (NICTA), female students studying ICT related programs at the PNG University of Technology and other tertiary institutions around the country have benefited from NICTA’s Girls in ICT Tertiary Scholarship program.

NICTA’s Girls in ICT Tertiary Scholarship was announced by NICTA on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (May 17) 2012 and was eventually launched in 2016.

The scholarship covers full tuition fees for the duration of the program including book allowances, fortnightly stipends and conveyance costs.

PNGUoT Scholarships Officer Mr. Leo Fugre says 17 female scholars studying Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Business IT at the University have benefited from this scholarship program since 2019.

Two pioneer scholarship awardees graduated during PNGUoT’s 55th graduation ceremony on April 5.

PNGUoT is proud to produce some of the best female professionals in the ICT industry who are making an impact in the digitalized world and those about to.