Disappointed with solar option, Whipps eyes nuclear energy for Palau

While setting a goal to have 100 percent renewable capacity by 2032, Palau must embrace nuclear energy to supplement the country’s existing power sources, President Surangel Whipps Jr. said. “If there are

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Tuvalu’s floating solar panels

In Funafuti, a small pond bordered by pig pens is now home to an innovative renewable energy pilot program, floating solar panels. Tuvalu Energy Corporation General Manager, Mafalu Lotolua says the project is a response

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OTEC: Challenging the status quo

The proponents of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) are hoping that the technology will finally get a foothold in the Pacific, following their recent mission to Fiji. A Regional Energy and Transport Ministers’

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Renewable Energy (RE) Training at the PNG University of Technology

Since its inception, PNGUoT has always been a hub of energy training in several departments such as Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Applied Physics, Applied Science and Geographic

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Gulf oil states on a Pacific charm offensive

Gulf oil states are using their vast wealth to build influence across the far-flung South Pacific, experts have told AFP, tearing a page straight out of China’s Belt and Road playbook. Saudi Arabia and the United

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Solomon Islands optimistic to reduce electricity costs through reforms: Vehe

Solomon Islands Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification Dr Chris Vehe has highlighted the energy challenges facing Solomon Islands and reforms the Government is undertaking to

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Largest solar and storage project in western Pacific online in Palau

The largest solar and battery storage project in the Western Pacific has been installed in Palau, a 15.3 MW solar system combined with a 13.2 MWh battery. The US$29 million installation will meet more than 25% of the

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Pacific island countries are working to address mobility and sustainable transport

During the initial session of the 5th Pacific Regional Energy Transport Ministerial Meeting held at Le Lagon in Port Vila Monday, representatives from various countries shared their concerns and challenges with regards

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Project Cerulean: A vast ocean of possibility to explore

In 2018, Swire Shipping and the University of the South Pacific launched a new project to research and design a low-carbon wind powered, commercially-operated freighter to stimulate outer-island Pacific trade. Route

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K650 million hydropower project in PNG opens after 15 years

Port Moresby’s power blackouts may now be over. After 15 years, the National Government and its Chinese partner PNG Hydro Development Limited formally launched the Edevu Hydropower Project located along the Brown

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EIB to deepen Pacific footprint

The newly opened European Investment Bank office in Suva will build on pipeline projects, including a planned hydropower plant in Fiji, a major water and sanitation project in Timor-Leste, rehabilitation and greening of

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Solar challenge in PNG

Papua New Guinea Manufacturers Council chief executive officer Chey Scovell says PNG Power Limited (PPL) has admitted that there is no end in sight to electricity supply woes in the country. And those in authority have

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