More green energy in PNG : Marape

James Marape

Days after his election as Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, James Marape took his first official overseas trip to discuss green energy projects with leaders of Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) in Singapore.

He said from Singapore that FFI has voiced its intention to partner with Papua New Guinea in a big way to harvest clean green energy from both hydro and geothermal sources as well as move later down the line into solar and wind energy production.

Currently, FFI has identified and set up project sites in Gulf Province for hydro and West New Britain Province for geothermal work and has been working in these areas since the signing of two agreements since 2021.

“With global consciousness of fossil fuel-induced global warming, clean green energy is the way to moving into the future and this meeting follows on the Head Agreement PNG has signed with FFI to progress investment in this energy sector,” Prime Minister Marape said.

The Prime Minister also visited the PNG High Commission in Singapore with a view to strengthening it further as a trade and investment office while getting the PNG government to increase trade and investment with the ASEAN and APEC countries.