Rural electrification is still a challenge in Papua New Guinea

PHOTO: Supplied

The establishment of rural electrification around Papua New Guinea is hindered by various challenges, putting a halt in its progress as stated in a research paper in the 2024 PNG Update.

The challenges range from inconsistency in policies, growing population, aging infrastructures, and demands for land compensation for the development area.

Presenting on as an agent for rural electrification, GHD Project Director Sioni Sioni outlined the needs for citizens in the rural areas to have access to electricity and the challenges his organisation face when implementing or coordinating rural electrification projects in rural areas around Papua New Guinea.

“The benefits of rural electrifications are huge in terms of connectivity, information access, and food security. However, the challenges are compensation demands, and the biggest one is the tribal fighting.”

The research presented is based on substantial development activity to bring electricity to some rural areas.

Currently, GHD is managing a rural electrification project in Wapenamanda up in Enga Province, which would benefit more than 1500 rural settlers. The project is funded by the New Zealand government.