Hawaii Aloha: Honouring the “Hawaii Nation”

How do we assess the success of a cultural event? What metrics apply when you’re talking about dancers, artists and a host of creatives? That’s the challenge facing anyone who wants to determine whether the 13th

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A meeting of culture, commerce and solidarity

At the halfway of the recent Festival for Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC), its operations director Makanani Sali described it as a “beautiful, chaotic mess” in an interview with local media. And that is how it

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Eyes wide shut

Eighteen months after the end of 16 years of Fiji’s notorious two-man rule, the country’s political landscape is in the middle of another seismic shift. The former ruling FijiFirst Party (FFP), relegated to the

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Seabed issue turning into hotbedSeabed mining continues to divide the region as the International Seabed Authority prepares to meet in Jamaica at the end of July. Hawai‘i has just passed a law banning seabed mining in

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Pacific nations stand firm on fisheries and oceans protection

For Pacific Island nations, marine conservation and sustainable fisheries management are crucial because the health of ocean resources deeply influences their economies and livelihoods. In recent times, contrasting

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Tackling the Pacific’s plastics crisis

The Pacific Ocean Litter Project (POLP), an initiative under the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), is fighting the threat of single-use plastics to the Pacific coastal environment. With

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Waqa takes the wheel at the Forum

Nearing the end of his term as Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, Henry Puna travelled to Rarotonga in May and was feted by Mark Brown, Prime Minister of Cook Islands and the current Forum Chair. As the

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Fiji positioned for growth in Asia Pacific real estate market

Fiji is on the brink of significant growth in the Asia Pacific real estate market, according to Nick Thompson, Hotels and Hospitality Director at JLL New Zealand. Speaking at a recent tourism investment conference,

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Luxury tourism operator Vanua Ranch aims for 2026 opening

Vanua Ranch has revealed plans to open Fiji’s first boutique villa resort, blending farm-based experiences with high-end luxury, by 2026. Located in Uciwai, Vanua Ranch will feature 17 exclusive boutique villas

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Wokbaot Wetem Kalja: Culture and Disaster Management in Vanuatu

“Climate displacement of populations is the main feature of our future. We have to be ready for it and plan for it now.” So said Vanuatu’s Minister for Climate Change, Ralph Regenvanu, when he took office in2022.

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The perils of underinsurance

Underinsurance and the unawareness of insurance remain significant challenges say insurance providers in Fiji and the Pacific. Chief Executive Officer of Capital Insurance in Fiji, Tonga, and Vanuatu, David Ariff Chan,

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