SPTE 2024: A Pacific Gateway to Global Markets

Calling all tourism-related professionals from the Pacific, brace yourself for an unparalleled opportunity that will transform your travel business!  The South Pacific Tourism Exchange (SPTE) 2024, organised by the

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Qatar Fund for Development Host the Global Green Growth Institute’s Greenpreneurs in Doha for a Fruitful Study Visit

[Doha, Qatar, November 21st, 2023] – Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) proudly welcomed selected Eastern Caribbean and Pacific Greenpreneurs to Doha as part of the QFFD funded Greenpreneurs Program in the two

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PNG Green Entrepreneurs receive over PGK 720,000 boost to combat climate change impacts 

[Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 6th December] – As the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Corporation continue to advocate and promote the development of MSMEs

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8 Women Seafarers Graduate

The Women in Maritime program, a partnership between Pacific Towing (PacTow), the Australian Government, Consort Express Lines and Swire shipping is pleased to recognise 8 young PNG women who have recently graduated as

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2023 Kiribati Greenpreneurs Graduates awarded AUD $166,000 by GGGI

[Tarawa, Kiribati, 1st December 2023] – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) hosted a graduation ceremony for i-Kiribati participants of the Pacific Greenpreneurs Incubator and Accelerator Programs today at

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BSP Life Group Raises $35,000for WOWS Kids Foundation

In support of the vital work of the Walk On Walk Strong (WOWS) Kids Foundation, the BSP Life Group and its partners completed 200 million steps over a span of 70 days, raising $35,000. The handover of the cheque took

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Run for Climate Action

29 November 2023 – (SUVA, Fiji) – As world leaders gather for the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the Delegation of the European Union to the Pacific and the

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Three Samoan women entrepreneurs graduate from green business incubator

[Apia, Samoa, 29th November 2023] – Samoa Business Hub (SBH), in partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) celebrated the graduation of three Samoan female green entrepreneurs during the 2023

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“Pacific Tourism Organisation Clinches Top Honour at Commonwealth Innovation Awards 2023 for Pioneering Pacific Sustainable Tourism Policy Framework”

The Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) is delighted to announce its prestigious win in the “Promote PARTNERSHIPS for development in the Commonwealth” category at the Commonwealth Secretary-General’s

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2023 USP Journalism Students Awards

FREEDOM of press is a cornerstone of any vibrant democracy and it’s our collective responsibility to safeguard and protect it, says Papua New Guinea’s Minister for Information and Communication Technology, Timothy

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Niue Impresses and Flights increase

The tourism industry in Niue is celebrating the news that Air New Zealand is re-introducing a twice weekly service departing Auckland on a Tuesday and Saturday from 2 April 2024. Demand for the destination has continued

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Thirteen Green Entrepreneurs from Vanuatu graduate from the Pacific Greenpreneurs program 2023

[Port Vila, Vanuatu, 23rd November 2023] – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in partnership with the Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) celebrated the graduation of its 2023 cohort of the

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