Code Blue for our reefs: Using the regional tuna MCS to nab the reef robbers

Reef pillaging by Vietnamese Blue Boats seeking lucrative returns from beche de mer harvesting is being picked up under oceanic fisheries surveillance networks. As FFA’s Director James Movick told Pacific

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Surviving in a changing ocean THE humpback whale was hunted almost to the point of extinction last century, with around 200 of a population that was once around 10,000, remaining across the entire region when the

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What integration means for ocean management

Message from the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) OUR Ocean is an inherent part of who we are as a Pacific people, and in June our Pacific voices will amplify our tribute and respect of

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State of our ocean

Change the narrative, says Pacific expert JUST under a month from the first-ever United Nations conference on the oceans, a leading Pacific Island expert has called for a dramatic change in the narrative about ocean

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Protect the environment

PROTECTION of the environment must be foremost in our minds as we watch the gradual demise of smaller island states like Tuvalu and Kiribati. These Pacific island states have started to succumb to global warming and

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Give us Media Freedom

JUST over eight years ago this month, as thousands of Christians marked the death of Jesus Christ, Fiji’s interim government crucified the 1997 Constitution. A day later censors were forcibly placed in newsrooms.

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Heavy lift

Regional airlines ink flight deal TWO of the region’s smaller airlines have signed a deal which will link three regional destinations and a metropolitan business centre. The deal between Air Kiribati and Solomon

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Installation of early warning system inTuvalu

CLIMATE change has become a global phenomenon impacting the whole world. There are cynics who say that there is no such thing as climate change believing that climate is just a natural procession of evolution, a natural

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Big brothers get deal they always wanted

THE regional free trade agreement, known as PACER-Plus was concluded last month in Brisbane, Australia. As usual, such events are met with great fan-fare and congratulatory press releases. New Zealand called the deal

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Saving face

Forum seeks regional support IN a face-saving gesture, regional private sector and civil society organisations will have an opportunity for informed discussions on PACER-Plus prior to the signing of the Agreement. This

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A wedgie in regional geopolitics from the recently concluded Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations, or PACER Plus, raises some interesting questions about the changing geopolitics of the region and whether

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IGA the new shopping experience

THE New World Group is changing the landscape of retail sales in Fiji having acquired the Master Franchise Status from the Independent Grocers Association (IGA) in the United States of America. This transition has no

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