IGA the new shopping experience

THE New World Group is changing the landscape of retail sales in Fiji having acquired the Master Franchise Status from the Independent Grocers Association (IGA) in the United States of America. This transition has no doubt changed the shopping experience of many Fijians, not to mention uplifted the standard of supermarkets in the country.

Essentially, IGA is a group of retailers that have gotten together and formed a syndicate that allows them to have the buying power and the access to range that the major players overseas have got. In addition, generally, a lot of the suppliers and manufacturers have minimum order quantities. In that regard, if the minimum order quantity for instance, for a kettle is 100,000 pieces in a year, no single operator would be able to buy 100,000 pieces.

But because IGA is a collective group with 5000 shops globally, it can order 100,000 pieces and be able to distribute it amongst the IGA stores accordingly. With particular to Fiji, there are 27 distributors/suppliers that supply the entire chain. This basically means most, if not all supermarkets across Fiji would possess the same products. Hence, the IGA concept was the most appealing for the Newwrold Group to mark its point of difference – also being the first retailer in the country to introduce IGA in Fiji.

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