Islands Business July 2018 edition

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BSP Life pays F$21m in bonuses

BSP Life investment portfolio is now valued at $660m (USD315.29m), positioning the life and health insurance provider as one of the largest leading institutional investors in the Pacific. And the insurance company

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A growing to-do list for Manu Tupou-Roosen beneath that tropical exterior is a steely resolve to get the work done and an attitude that no challenge is unsurmountable

WE wish the Director-General of the Forum Fisheries Agency, Dr Manu Tupou-Roosen, every success in the challenging task ahead. With years of experience in the agency and the intense talks around fisheries each year, she

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Today, Solomon Islands stands on the cusp of a bright future supported by a growing private sector

THE Solomon Islands celebrated 40 years of independence this month. Despite four decades of tumultuous and often debilitating national events the Happy Isles remain positive that the best times are yet to be seen and

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Rein it in PM Hou

It was a bitter-sweet kind of an anniversary for the people of Solomon Islands this past month when drug shortage in its main public hospital in the capital worsened. What’s suppose to be a celebration of what the

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Tonga’s Taufa in anti-cancer compound discovery

Recent scientific research in Tongan waters has unearthed significant findings that could lead to new cure for cancer. The research was carried out by Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) PhD graduate Taitusi Taufa,

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Nauru’s legal wrangle

A huge legal battle looms in Nauru over the trial of 19 people some of whom former opposition parliamentarians with the Baron Waqa Government opting to appeal its Supreme Court ruling that the republic should foot the

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Tuvalu seeks declaration on resource ownership

AS the sun sets over Tuvalu, children shriek in the lagoon of the main atoll – Funafuti. This is the way life has been in the Pacific for as long as people can remember. But sea levels in the lagoon are rising and

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Tonga’s Dr Tupou-Roosen is new FFA Boss

DOCTOR Manu Tupou-Roosen, Director General-designate of the Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency plans to bring to the role a strong commitment to empower the Pacific people through greater cooperation. And this she

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