New Caledonians vote no to independence, but the FLNKS are still smiling

In a crucial referendum on self-determination, more than 141,000 New Caledonians went to the polls on 4 November to determine the political status of the French Pacific dependency. After twenty years transition under

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Going combo

November was an incredibly busy month where it saw Papua New Guinea stood tall in marketing itself and the rest of the Pacific with it to the world by hosting what’s deemed to be the largest ever conference to be

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APEC’s dramas and theatrics

What was supposed to be the summit that showcases Papua New Guinea to some of the world’s powerful economies ended up being the show ground for a US-China power struggle in the largest island in the South Pacific. It

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Regional body works on valuing rights

This month’s visit to Fiji by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, is another chapter in the Pacific’s long history with the Commonwealth. This association of 53 independent and equal sovereign states, has brought many

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Addressing Increasing Inequality

Dame Meg Taylor, PIFS Secretary General, presented the Keynote Address at the Pacific Preparatory Meeting for the 6th Asia Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development on 24 September 2018 at the Nadi Tanoa International

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Fiji pearl producer goes for blue pledge

Derailed by the huge devastation wrought by super-cyclone Winston in 2016. Fiji’s exclusive J. Hunter Pearls is back on the path of restoring what it lost and at the same time doubled up on its efforts in ocean

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Dr Ian Fry – the island negotiator

Indepth (Id) talks to long time climate change negotiator for the Tuvalu Government, Dr Ian Fry as the world meets in Katowice, Poland this month to finalise the rule book of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. Dr Fry

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