Regional body works on valuing rights

This month’s visit to Fiji by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, is another chapter in the Pacific’s long history with the Commonwealth. This association of 53 independent and equal sovereign states, has brought many benefits to the region ranging from human rights and climate change related development projects, scholarships to UK-based Universities and funding for programming through multilateral organisations.

One of the more recent investments to the region comes through the Pacific Commonwealth Equality Project. The project aims to help improve the capacity of Pacific Commonwealth countries to drive inclusive and equitable social change, through good governance, respect for human rights, and fairer opportunities for politically, socially and economically marginalised communities.

The UK Government has provided a grant to the Pacific Community’s Regional Rights Resource Team (RRRT) of £1.8 million (approximately US$2.36 million) to support a variety of projects over the next two years

Melanie Hopkins, British High Commissioner and Head of the South Pacific Network says the UK Government is putting into action the obligations it has made towards meeting the needs and desires of Pacific Commonwealth countries and anticipates a richness of cross-Pacific and cross-Commonwealth learning and exchange taking place over the next two years.

The High Commissioner believes…

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