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New publications from the Paci c Community

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                              The Paci c Community (SPC) publishes a diverse range of scienti c, technical
                                      and cultural publications in English and French year-round

            A compendium of Paci c practice in foresight            Paci c Regional Culture Strategy 2022–2032:
                                                                    the Paci c culture decade – towards
                                                                    sustainable cultural development
            In a rapidly changing and
            interconnected world,                                   The Paci c Regional
            strategic foresight is being                            Culture Strategy (PRCS) is
            increasingly used by                                    mandated by the
            organisations to envision,                              governments of Paci c
            anticipate and prepare for                              Islands countries and
            change. As SPC re ects on                               territories (PICTs), and
            the impact of its scienti c                             continues the work of the
            research and knowledge                                  previous strategy. It
            over the 75 years of its                                draws from the lessons
            existence, coupled with its                             learned over the past
            technical service to the                                decade and takes a
            development of the Paci c                               future-focussed
            region, this publication                                perspective in the
            documents learning from                                 context of the Paci c
            the past, leverages present                             cultural story, recognises
            achievements, and imagines                              the distinct priorities of
            preferred futures. With this                            each PICT and identi es   development aspirations as
            compendium, SPC tells its   deepen perspectives of their   those areas where PICTs   well as safeguarding and
            future stories and celebrates   work. It also documents the   can work collectively   protective interests. The
            sta  capabilities in using   action and impacts of      using shared cultural   policy direction taken by the
            strategic foresight to   learning experiences.          values towards common   PRCS is aligned with and
                                                                    goals and priorities. The   complements other regional
                                                                    PRCS takes a holistic   commitments, including the
                                                                    approach and aims to   Paci c Framework for
                                                                    capture both sustainable   Regionalism (2014).
            History of soil research conducted by the New
            Zealand Soil Bureau in  ve southwest Paci c
            countries                                               De la couleur dans nos assiettes : pour être en
                                                                    bonne santé mangeons coloré

            This publication provides a                             Cet ouvrage a pour
            detailed overview of a wide                             vocation
            range of soil surveys,                                  d’encourager la
            research activities and other   conducted by the New Zealand Soil Bureau   consommation de
                                          History of soil research
            project initiatives                                     fruits, légumes et
            undertaken by New Zealand       David M. Leslie         tubercules locaux
            in Cook Islands, Fiji, Niue,                            en mettant en
            Samoa and Tonga. It                                     avant leurs
            includes a comprehensive                                avantages
            bibliography. This history                              nutritionnels. Ce
            was painstakingly compiled                              recueil de recettes
            and written by David Leslie,                            océaniennes      ouvrage insiste sur les bienfaits de
            who was closely involved in                             simples met en   la consommation d’au moins cinq
            soil activities over many                               relation, de     portions de fruits et légumes par
            years in each country as a                              manière amusante,   jour pour rester en bonne santé et
            researcher, and later as a                              la couleur des   prévenir l’apparition de maladies
            leader. Through this work,   circumstances in these small   fruits, légumes et   non transmissibles comme le
            Leslie became highly   island states and their work     tubercules et leur   diabète, l’obésité et les maladies
            familiar with the prevailing   around soil science.     ntérêt nutritif. Cet   cardiovasculaires.

            Explore these titles and thousands more at:

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