Page 44 - IB December 2022
P. 44

People                                                                                                                                                                                                         People

         Ambassador Marie Damour  Chae-Ung Um      Eunice Wotene        Justice Patrick Keane  Marstella Jack
                             MOVERS AND SHAKERS

         Dr Amelia Latu Afuhaamango Tuipulotu   experience in dental medicine and   and Garisau Penesio Nonu Baleinabuli
         is the World Health Organisation’s   administration.                 for Forestry and Fisheries.
         new Chief Nursing Officer. In 2019, Dr
         Tuipulotu became Tonga’s first female   Pacific Resort Hotel Group has employed   The Vanuatu government has hired
         Minister for Health, and has been a   Nikola Brent as its new Sales and   for the first time, two Country Liaison
         member of the WHO Executive Board   Marketing Coordinator. Brent formerly   Officers to oversee all ni-Vanuatu
         since May 2020. She replaces another   worked at Cook Islands Tourism.  workers engaged in the Labour Mobility
         Pacific Islander, Cook Islands’ Elizabeth                            Program. They are Patrice Kuautonga
         Iro.                              PIANGO has announced new Board     for Australia and Olivia Fleur Johnson
                                           members. They are Marstella Jack   for New Zealand.
         Massey University (NZ) Professor   as Chair, succeeding Inia Barry for
         Dr. Apisalome Movono is the new   the next three years; Drew Havea as   InterContinental Fiji Golf Resort & Spa
         Lead Expert on the Pacific Tourism   Deputy Chair, Tereeao Teingiia Ratite   has hired Australian-born Mary-Lou
         Organisation’s Panel for Climate   as Board Secretary; Sepesa Rasili as   Corcoran as its new Resort Manager. She
         Change.                           Treasurer. Others include Alson Kelen   brings over 30 years of hotel experience
                                           of the Marshall Islands Association of   to the new role.
         Former DFAT official Rod Hilton   NGOs, Shirley Abraham from Vanuatu
         has taken office as Australia’s High   Association of NGOs, and Sioneheke   Ambassador Junior Aini has begun his
         Commissioner to the Solomon Islands.   Leolahi of Niue Association of Non-  duties as Ambassador of the Marshall
                                           Governmental Organisations.        Islands to Fiji with cross accreditation
         Justice Patrick Keane has been                                       to 13 Pacific nations and territories
         appointed by the Cook Islands’ Ministry   13 Permanent Secretaries have taken   including Australia, New Zealand, FSM,
         of Justice as its new head of judiciary,   office in various Fiji government   Kiribati, PNG, Solomon Islands and
         replacing retired Chief Justice Sir Hugh   ministries for the next three years.   Vanuatu.
         Williams.                         They are Ashwin Raj for Women,
                                           Children and Poverty Alleviation;   New Zealand-born Darryl Williamson
         The Council of the University of the   Salaseini Daunabuna for Rural and   joins Pacific MMI Insurance Ltd as its
         South Pacific has selected two new   Maritime Development and Disaster   new Chief Executive Officer with more
         senior staff. They are Walter Fraser as   Management; Mere Siqila-Lakeba for   than 30 years of insurance industry
         Chief Operating Officer and Professor   Waterways and Environment; Atish   experience in New Zealand, Asia and
         Janusz Jankowski as Deputy Vice-  Kumar for Employment Productivity   the Pacific.
         Chancellor and Vice President.    and Industrial Relations; Seema Sharma
                                           for Local Government; Yogesh Karan   Desmond Wildin is the new director of
         The Trust Board for Oxfam in the Pacific   for the Office of the Prime Minister,   the Cook Islands Audit Office after more
         has appointed Eunice Wotene as its   Sugar Industry, Immigration and Foreign   than a decade in public service in the
         new Executive Director. Wotene first   Affairs; Susan Kiran for Civil Service;   country.
         joined Oxfam’s PNG-based office in   Shaheen Ali for Commerce, Trade,
         2014.                             Tourism and Transport; Sanjeeva    American Samoa’s Aeau Christopher
                                           Perera for Housing and Community   Hazelman has been elected to lead the
         In American Samoa,  Afamasaga Dr.   Development; Taitusi Vakadravuyaca   territory’s Ministry of Education, Sports
         Talifa Talifa is the newest member   for Infrastructure and Meteorological   and Culture as its CEO for the next
         of the LBJ Medical Center Board of   Services; Raijeli Taga for Lands and   three years.
         Directors. Afamasaga has decades of   Mineral Resources; Manasa Lesuma for
                                           Defence, National Security and Policing,   Ronesh Dayal has been appointed

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