Page 45 - IB December 2022
P. 45

People                                                                                             People

       Ambassador Junior Aini                               Dr Amelia Latu Afuhaamango Tuipulotu

        BSP Financial Group Ltd acting group   The United States has selected Marie C.   Sailele Malielegaoi has been re-elected
        chief executive effective January 1,   Damour to be the nation’s Ambassador   as Chair of the Samoa Rugby Union for
        2023. BSP group chairman Sir Kostas   to Fiji, and Ambassador-designee to   a further four years. Two Members of
        Constatinou said: “Further to the   Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga, and Tuvalu.   Parliament, Faleomavaega Fuimaono
        announcement on November 3 regarding                                  Titimaea Tafua (Apia Union) and
        the appointment of Mark Robinson   Georgian Ambassador Teimuraz       Leaana Ronnie Posini (Safata Union)
        as the new group CEO, Robinson is   Lezhava and Japan’s Ambassador    were also elected as Board Directors to
        expected to take up his position on   Hiroyuki Orikasa have presented their   represent Upolu Sub-Unions.
        March 1, 2023.”                   credentials to Palau President Surangel
                                          Whipps Jr..                         In Memory
        Kumul Minerals Holdings Limited has
        hired its new managing director, Sarimu   Four members have been elected into   Palau’s former Chief Justice Arthur
        Kanu who has 29 years’ experience of   the National University of Samoa Alumni   Ngirakelsong passed away on November
        the mining industry.              Association. They are Chief Executive   16. He is believed to be one of the
                                          Officer Samoa Port Authority, Sooalo   nation’s longest serving Chief Justices in
        Solomon Islands’ Permanent Secretary   Kuresa Sooalo as NUSAA President;   the Palau Supreme Court for nearly 30
        of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and   Pastor Eric Poe as Vice President, Savea   years (1992 to 2020).
        External Trade, Colin Beck has been   Fiti Tausisi as Secretary and Victory
        re-appointed to lead the Ministry for a   Utumapu-Milford as Treasurer.  Samoan Member of Parliament for
        second term.                                                          Vaimauga 3, Tapunuu Papalii Niko Lee
                                          Drug Free Sport Fiji’s Chairman Nicholas   Hang, 68, has been laid to rest. He first
        Two Niuean women have been awarded   Barnes and Nick Paterson, Chairman of   joined parliament in 2001 and served
        for their outstanding leadership and   Drug Free Sport New Zealand have been   as Minister of Works Transport and
        excellence at the New Zealand Prime   elected to represent the Oceania region   Infrastructure since 2021.
        Minister’s Pacific Youth Awards 2022.   on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
        Eunique Ikiua won the Language,   2023 National Anti-Doping Organisation   Niue’s former cabinet minister Joan
        Culture and Identity Award, and   (NADO) Expert Advisory Group. They will   Tahafa Viliamu, 56, has died. She
        Annafinau Tukuitoga won the Arts,   officially take office on January 1, 2023.   passed away at the Niue Foou hospital
        Culture and Creativity Award.                                         on November 25 surrounded by her
                                          World Archery Fiji Vice President Ajay   family. Viliamu served as Minister
        PNG’s Department of International   Ballu has been chosen to lead Team Fiji   for Health, Community Affairs and
        Trade and Investment has announced   as Chef de Mission to the 2023 Pacific   Broadcasting from 2011 to 2020.
        two new appointees. They are Jacinta   Games in Honiara, the Solomon Islands.
        Warakai-Manua as acting secretary for                                 Taraeka George Paniani, remembered
        the department and James Joshua   Long-distance runner Tau John       as “Captain Gee” on Radio Cook Islands,
        as acting chairman for the country’s   Tokwepota, footballer Joseph Turia,   died aged 65. Paniani was the chairman
        Securities Commission. Both will serve   and netball icon Veitu Diro have been   of Cook Islands Language Commission
        in their roles for three months.   inducted into the PNG Sports Hall of   from 2016 to 2022 and was the longest
                                          Fame.                               serving executive board member with
        StarKist Samoa’s new President and                                    the Cook Islands Sports and National
        CEO is Chae-Ung Um, taking over from   Samoa’s Leader of the Opposition   Olympic Committee as vice president.
        Andrew Choe, who served in the post   Human Rights Protection Party Tuiilaepa
        for eight years.

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