Page 35 - IB December 2022
P. 35


                    OVALAU AGRO PV PROJECT A

                                     MODEL FOR FIJI

                                         DEVELOPER EYES SIDS

       By Dionisia Tabureguci                                                        getting a lot of benefits and
                                                                                     so there is less motivation to
         Four more Agrophotovoltaic (APV) projects are planned for                   increase their tariff in Ovalau.
       Fiji, according to the developer of the Ovalau APV, which is                  I think it’s a win/win situation
       currently in the final stages of negotiations, with construction              for EFL, the community and
       planned for early next year.                                                  the Fiji Government.
         “We are planning to do four more projects nationwide in                      “We are at the final stage
       Fiji after this (Ovalau) project. So, two projects in Viti Levu,              of things and final agreement
       one in Vanua Levu and another additional one in Ovalau to                     will be signed by February next
       take its renewable energy to almost 100%,” said Yoon Sung,                    year. Once this is done, we can
       CEO of Korean social venture company Envelops, the devel-                     then start the construction of
       oper of the Fiji-Korea Agrophotovoltaic project in Ovalau.                    the solar panels in probably
         The Ovalau project’s US$10 million cost will be funded in                   March next year. Our target
       part by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the Fiji De-  Yoon Sung, CEO of Korean social   commercial operation date for
                                                            venture company, Envelops.
       velopment Bank, the Korea International Cooperation Agency                    the power plant is December
       (KOICA) and, through Envelops’ equity input from private   next year. So, around this time next year, you can see this
       investors in Korea.                                  power plant running,” said Yoon.
         APV differs from conventional solar farms in that it maxi-  Envelops, which focuses investments on renewable energy
       mises the use of land by supporting farming activities beneath   projects in developing countries, also plans to replicate the
       solar panels.                                        Ovalau APV project in other Small Island Developing States
         “If you put a normal solar power on agricultural land, there   (SIDS) in the Pacific and elsewhere.
       will be misuse of the land for agricultural purpose so food   “The reason why we are focusing on developing countries
       security on Ovalau will go down because they are losing their   is because they are the most vulnerable countries in terms of
       arable land. The only solution is to have some land sharing   climate change impact,” said Yoon.
       concept, of agriculture and solar power together which is a   “When we’re into the second or third year of this first proj-
       very good system,” said Yoon.                        ect, we will invite people from small island developing states
         “The agricultural program has already started by KOICA, ini-  to come and see this project. This one for GCF is considered
       tially starting with tomato, bell pepper, lettuce and dalo, but   a pilot because it is the first of its kind here in the Pacific. So
       our agricultural expert teams will do more detailed study and   we have to show them that we can expand this photovoltaic
       planning to choose the right crop underneath this solar panel.   system with the agricultural system together, throughout the
       It’s very important to show the successful case of the agricul-  small island countries, to help them become energy depen-
       tural system under the agrovphotovoltaic system so that we   dent and food security dependent, which is very important in
       can create the climate resilient environment for the crops,   terms of this climate change impact.”
       especially considering this is a high heat area and prone to   Bureta Community Development Committee representative,
       drought and a lot of the climate change events. We want to   Sereana Qoro, said women and young people will be involved
       make this system climate smart.”                     in the agricultural component and in doing so, learn climate
         Electricity generation on Ovalau is currently 100% diesel   smart farming techniques.
       dependent. This will drop to 50% once the APV project goes   “Community members will enjoy practical training by ex-
       on grid, tentatively by December next year.          perts from Korea. The project comes with a research station
         “We’ve been developing this project since 2018 and it’s   and market access facilities for the targeted produce, mainly
       now in the final stage of development, meaning we are almost   vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuce, capsicum, dalo etc,”
       closing the climate financing, the loan from GCF and equity   she said.
       investment from our private investors in Korea,” said Yoon.   A relatively new method of integrating agriculture and solar
         “We are also waiting for the final approval of our agreement   power production, commercial agrovoltaic projects have
       with Energy Fiji Ltd. Our negotiation is at the final stage with   become increasingly popular in countries like Korea, Japan,
       EFL on the tariff. The cost to EFL from the diesel generation   France and Germany, where pilot studies have proved the
       is really, really high and our tariff that we will be supplying to   technology’s cost-effectiveness and viability.
       the grid is a lot lower. In Ovalau annually, electricity con-
       sumption is around 10,000mwh and our project can be placed
       around 5,000mwh, which is 50%. So from EFL side, they are

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