Page 37 - IB December 2022
P. 37

Media                                                                                            Media

       studies in New Zealand and later on graduated from Massey   now have evidence to show their kids of what they do and all
       University with a Bachelor in Aviation. I also completed a   the hard work and fun they got up to in their time as kids. I
       Diploma in Computing with Carich Computer Training School.   hope it would be a good positive example and reminder for
       I served a two-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of   them of their lives growing up here on Niue. That is my main
       Latter Day Saints and I’ve worked at Niue High School as a   reason first and foremost of “why” a YouTube channel.
       Head of ICT Department, from 2007-2018. I was self-employed
       in 2019-2020, but currently employed as one of the three   I see that you have a very hectic operation going on; you
       Commissioners of the Niue Public Service Commission of the   go out fishing and diving and I believe you have a tent busi-
       Niue Government from 2021-2023.                      ness as well. How do you manage to fit all these activities
                                                            into your daily lives?
         When did you start your YouTube journey and why?     It has always been hectic but I guess we just got used to
         I have, in a way, always wanted to do or keen on doing a   it. With our tent business, [it is] so much easier now with the
       YouTube channel for various crucial reasons. I will answer the   kids mostly grown and they help out big time, whereas before
       “When” first. If you look right at the start of my very first   I would be looking and asking people, mainly family to work
       video that I uploaded, it was 12 years ago, in 2010. Only 28   and help. The older kids can pretty much set up all of our
       seconds long. Then eventually on 11 July 2021 was the start of   tents on their own if needed. The diving/spearfishing and the
       our first actual weekly video. Internet connections were bad   taro plantation/bush garden work are kind of like my stress
       before, but in March last year, Niue finally got our Manatua   relievers. You read about people talking about the green
       One Polynesia Fibre Cable (undersea cable) up and running, so   space and the blue space. That is my green and blue space. I
       our Internet connection speeds improved vastly and enabled   enjoy doing these things and even though our schedule can be
       us to upload to YouTube better.                      pretty hectic at times, we still plan on how and when to fulfil
         The “Why”? A lot of times I would reminisce back about   our taro plantation duties, i.e. early morning sessions.
       my grandparents and families who have passed on and now   Overall, planning is important for all events to happen and
       recently my dad and younger sister who both passed away in   just work hard. When needed, we work late into the night
       2019. I wish that I have videos that I can watch just to see   with our tent business and at times stay up late burning
       them and the events we used to do when they were still alive.   that midnight oil till early hours of the morning when doing
       And also, to see how we interacted, what they taught or said,   repairs or paperwork just to stay on top of things. Now with
       how they sounded and just how everyone looked years back.   our YouTube channel, and committing to put out one or two
       With those thoughts I then have always wanted to capture   videos weekly, that has added on extra tasks for us. I do most
       moments and have them kept in a way so my family and kids   of our video editing and mainly during night time from around
       and hopefully their kids in the future will have memories to   10 or 11pm to sometimes into the early hours of the morning,
       look back upon and see, learn and know about their own fam-  depending on how many videos I can edit and my energy
       ily after we are gone from this earth. I told my kids that they   levels.

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