Page 38 - IB December 2022
P. 38


          Your channel shows you cook, farm, fish and share meals   on a level where we can bounce ideas and help one another
         together, especially on Sundays. It’s that sense of family   progress etc., especially on the monetisation aspect of the
         togetherness that strikes me the most.              channel. All I am doing is self-taught (trial and error) and
          I think most island families can relate in a way. This is just   learning from others on YouTube.
         the way we were brought up and it is just a normal part of   The challenge with farming and fishing is finding the time to
         life, I guess. Our mentality is that we want our kids to be   attend to these activities.
         better than us. That’s why we want to share with them and
         teach them all that we know and have so they will be better   Your channel is inspiring. What would you say to encour-
         equipped and hopefully later on add more onto what we have   age other Pacific Islanders?
         offered them. We want them to grow up and be good people   We just want to encourage everyone not only our Pacific
         who contribute good to any community they are in.   community but everyone, to just be good people and contrib-
          Working together and sharing meals together are perfect   ute goodness to our communities.
         ways of strengthening family relationships or any relationship   For our Pacific communities, we would like to encourage
         in general. Family is everything to us, especially our kids.   all who can, if interested, to take up this YouTube journey as
         They are not always going to be with us at home forever so   well. We have a lot to offer but not many of us yet who are
         we try to make the most of it and make every moment count.  actually living lives on our Islands are telling our own stories.
                                                             It is quite sad for me because I can understand the chal-
          Could you highlight some of the challenges you have   lenges of why. Most of us in our situations don’t really have
         faced living in Niue? The challenges faced in your daily   the means to do so. The equipment is costly. Internet data
         routine and in your business? And the challenges of being a   and infrastructure are limited in many of our regions. Money
         YouTuber?                                           is scarce and earnings are low in comparison to developed
          The remote location of Niue is a major factor, but one of   nations. A lot of factors are against us. But that’s why I think
         the challenges we have is our low population and many people   we should if we can, or help others do so if we can. It is an
         wear many hats. Business potential is limited due to a low   opportunity to tell our stories, making lasting memories for
         population and hence, customer base. When we need certain   our posterity with a potential also to make some income for
         things like tools or goods, or gadgets, we have to wait to get   our families. The sky is the limit, potential-wise, and you get
         it from overseas most times, if not available on the Island.   to be your own boss, doing what you hopefully love and enjoy.
         For example, I broke my GoPro, [but] I can’t just go to a store   We recently have started to get some monthly income from
         here and get a replacement straight away. Another challenge   our channel since May this year. This is all capital coming
         is the high data costs for the Internet, the Internet connection   into Niue from the outside (a little help towards our local
         speeds and reliability. It is not too bad but not at the level   economy) and another source of motivation now for the ‘Why’
         of the developed nations. We’re waiting to see if Elon Musk’s   question. So, I am just interested to see how far we can run
         Starlink connection would be available in our region anytime   with this. We are still a very tiny, tiny channel.
         soon. Another challenge mainly is, I feel all alone doing this
         here on Niue as no one yet is doing it on a consistent basis and

        38 Islands Business, December 2022
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