Visa on arrival in PNG for Melanesian countries

Solomon Islands nationals and nationals of other Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) countries can now get their visa on arrival when travelling to Papua New Guinea. This came after the PNG government formally declared the

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‘Action begins now before it’s too late’: President Maamau

Kiribati has called on the 27th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC COP) to be more ambitious about the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Speaking to world

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COP27: Tuvalu leads call to phase out fossil fuels

Tuvalu has become the first country to use United Nations climate talks to demand an international fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty, which would phase out the use of coal, oil, and gas. The small Pacific island

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Vanuatu Govt network paralysed by cyber attack

The Office of the Vanuatu Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) has confirmed the Government’s Broadband Network has been compromised since Sunday, November 6, 2022. A statement from the OGCIO relayed that

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Air Vanuatu is ‘a mess’: Prime Minister Kalsakau

Vanuatu Prime Minister Ishmael Kalsakau has labelled the current status of Air Vanuatu as a ‘mess’. He made the remarks in his maiden speech as PM, during the appointment of the new Ministers at the

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Vanuatu’s new cabinet named

Vanuatu Prime Minister Ishmael Kalsakau has named his cabinet after he was sworn in on Friday.  The line up of ministerial portfolios saw a former Prime Minister and President of the People’s Progressive Party

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Kalsakau elected new Vanuatu PM

After more than six hours of the first sitting of the new Vanuatu Parliament, former Vanuatu Deputy PM Ishmael Kalsakau was elected by an overwhelming majority of 50 out of 52 Members to be Prime Minister of the Pacific

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Avoiding a WASHout

There has been a significant decline in donor funding for water, sanitation and hygiene projects in the Pacific, as the region continues to lag behind the Sustainable Development Goals on access to water. A recent study

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Vanuatu deputy PM confident of forming new Govt

The camp led by Vanuatu’s caretaker deputy prime minister Ishmael Kalsakau has reiterated that it remains a solid grouping of 30 MPs and that it will name its prime minister and cabinet line-up on Friday. A second

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Pacific aid surges as China, U.S vie for influence

Regional powers poured record amounts of cash into the Pacific Islands during the coronavirus pandemic to help them weather the economic fallout as competition for influence heats up between China and the West. An

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PACIFICi Portal to assist investigative anti-corruption efforts

With the Pacific Island region increasingly impacted by organised transnational crime, international drug and people smuggling, money laundering and corruption, a new web-based investigative tool, PACIFICi, is set to

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Vanuatu: New Coalition Govt in the making

The official results of the Snap Election has reconfirmed the unofficial results — none of the country’s major political parties who contested the snap elections on October 13 have secured the simple majority of

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