Hawaii poised to slap tourists with $25 climate tax

Lawmakers in Hawaii are poised to approve a US$25 climate tax on tourists who visit the Aloha State in an effort to combat what they claim is an assault on the area’s natural resources. The state, which saw 9.5

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Logging tax killed industry: PNG MP Namah

Vanimo-Green MP Belden Namah says raising the logging export tax has “killed the logging industry” in Papua New Guinea. “The Treasurer (Ian Ling-Stuckey) has literally killed the logging industry,” Namah said.

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Pacific “mixed feelings” after compromise on shipping’s climate goals

Governments have agreed to an improved set of climate goals for the shipping sector after climate vulnerable Pacific nations and trade-reliant emerging economies struck a compromise at talks in London. After two weeks

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Fiji Budget 2023-2024: A wrap

Fiji’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Biman Prasad, today presented a deficit budget in Fiji’s parliament. With a projected revenue of $3.7 billion, and expenditure of $4.3 billion, the

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Fiji Budget: Reactions from the House

While the formal budget debate on the budget in Parliament commences on July 10, some MPS and stakeholders have given their initial responses to the Budget. Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka said the budget is “the

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Fiji Budget: ‘It’s a tough but fair budget’ says Finance Minister

Presenting government’s Fiji Budget 2023-2024 to parliament this morning, Finance Minister Biman Prasad said the fiscal deficit of $639 million dollars was “higher than I personally wanted.” Prasad said

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Fiji Budget: Increasing revenue, simplifying tax

The 2023/2024 Budget, which is themed ‘Rebuilding our future together’, is focused on reducing debt to sustainable levels, promoting private sector economic rejuvenation and taking care of the low income and

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Solomon Islands Maritime Association wants justice on tax levy for shipping industry

Solomon Islands Maritime Association (SIMTA) wants justice in the Solomon Islands Government’s (SIG) tax levy on fares and freights imposed on seafarers and the shipping industry. It was reported the tax levy is very

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Tax the rich, not the poor: former RBF governor Narube

Unity Party leader, Savenaca Narube, is concerned that proposed goods tax increases punishes the people for the sins of the previous government.  The former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji says a proposed

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BSP ‘has standing’ in tax case in PNG

The Papua New Guinea Supreme Court has ruled that the Bank South Pacific Financial Group Limited (BSP) has standing to pursue a case challenging the constitutionality of the “additional company tax”. A five-man

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K2.3billion financial sector crucial: PNG Treasurer

The banking and financial sector accounts for K2.3 billion (US$653 million) of the national economy, according to Papua New Guinea Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey. Ling-Stuckey discussed the banking tax and the economy with

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K20million less in PNG Superannuation Fund dividends

Papua New Guinea National Superannuation Fund (Nasfund)’s dividend payout for this year is likely to be more than K20 million (US$5.6 million) lower, acting chief executive officer Rajeev Sharma says.  “Our 2023

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