Fighting corruption

Asset declaration is the key UNDERSTANDING the roots of corruption in society will help communities address the issue. And parliamentarians must understand their roles in stopping corruption through their oversight of

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Copy of PNG court rejects detention centre Is Fiji next

WITH the Papua New Guinea Supreme Court ruling that the Manus Island refugee processing centre is illegal, Australia may be forced to look to other Pacific islands to house 800-odd residents. Australia’s detention

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PNG court rejects detention centre Is Fiji next

WITH the Papua New Guinea Supreme Court ruling that the Manus Island refugee processing centre is illegal, Australia may be forced to look to other Pacific islands to house 800-odd residents. Australia’s detention

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The power of names

NAMES have “mana.” They are powerful. We use names everyday to identify individuals, places and things. We therefore take for granted that they simply exist. We often forget that names were given, and the

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Scars of Bougainville

WITH the looming referendum and the future of the Bougainville copper mine hanging in the loop, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s recent appointment of himself as Minister for Bougainville Affairs in a recent

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Open skies: A threat to island economies

THE Fijian government has adopted a cautious approach to entering into Air Services Agreements (ASAs) which could result in local airspace being liberalised and opened to multiple airlines. ASAs are agreements between

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Open skies: A threat to island economies

THE Fijian government has adopted a cautious approach to entering into Air Services Agreements (ASAs) which could result in local airspace being liberalised and opened to multiple airlines. ASAs are agreements between

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Top cop’s departure sparks controversy

FIJI’S former Police Commissioner, South African Major General Ben Groenewald, has scoffed at any notion that there are no police officers capable of replacing him as head of Fiji’s Police Force. “I

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Scrap bride price, PNG urged

A HUMAN rights group has urged the Papua New Guinea government to abolish the cultural practice of bride price to safeguard women against violence. In a report released last month, the Human Rights Watch group said

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Vote for change

MAJURO — The lead up to the 2015 national election in the Marshall Islands on November 16 featured few political party rallies and low-key campaigning. But voters were anything but low key in the result they produced

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Pacific community sharpens focus to meet islands development needs

AT the Conference of the Pacific Community last week, our country and territory members set the direction of our development organisation for the next five years. The Pacific Community (SPC) has been providing

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Safe no more

ON Oct. 11, Palau was shocked after a 37-year old government employee was found dead on the street in the capital of Koror. Kenneth Koshiba was shot with a gas-powered air rifle. This kind of violence is not a usual

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