Pacific community sharpens focus to meet islands development needs

AT the Conference of the Pacific Community last week, our country and territory members set the direction of our development organisation for the next five years. The Pacific Community (SPC) has been providing scientific and technical support to our Pacific Island members since 1947. While SPC is recognised as the largest implementing agency in the region, changes in the development landscape, increased competition for resources and rising public and development partner expectations mean we must strive to remain effective and responsive to the needs of Pacific people.

The establishment of the Pacific Islands Development Forum is the best example of the changing regional order, where new relationships are being forged and traditional alliances are changing. Sub-regional groupings will also change the development dynamics of the Pacific region. Our new strategic plan involves a greater emphasis on science, innovation and knowledge, including traditional knowledge, to support sustainable development in our region.

It was prepared with the active participation of our members, staff and development partners. In Niue, our members have endorsed the Secretariat’s move to clearly identify our priority areas of development work and to focus resources accordingly in line with our plan for 2016-2020.

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