Saluting our brave aviators

Fiji’s small knit aviation community was engulfed in grief and lots of sadness early in the month when a trainee pilot and her instructor died in a plane crash in Fiji’s north. Just like the death of pilot David

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Hear our pleas

Peter O’Neil, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea assumes the chairmanship of the sub-regional bloc the Melanesian Spearhead Group this month when he hosts the long delayed summit of MSG leaders in Port Moresby. He

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Happy New Year

IT’s our first edition again for yet another new year and to say that the days are just flying by is fast becoming an understatement. First things first, vinaka, thank you all our avid readers for your trust and your

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Happy New Year

IT’s our first edition again for yet another new year and to say that the days are just flying by is fast becoming an understatement. First things first, vinaka, thank you all our avid readers for your trust and your

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Cop-out in Bonn

WITH Fiji’s hosting of COP23 in Germany last month, I invited a Pacific negotiator to give me her take on the climate change talks and her views are republished below. “THE COP in Bonn appeared to be two meetings

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A story of woe

  THE story of the people of Vunidogoloa in Cakaudrove, Northern Fiji, cannot remain untold. Until now, many individuals, organisations and governments have put themselves forward as the saviours of this community,

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Time to go pink

THE scourge of cancer is a threat no Pacific community can afford to take lightly. Each year, thousands of Pacific islanders are cut down – many in the prime of life – by an illness which could be eradicated if

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