Happy New Year

IT’s our first edition again for yet another new year and to say that the days are just flying by is fast becoming an understatement.

First things first, vinaka, thank you all our avid readers for your trust and your business. April this year would mark our fourth year as the new owners of this publication that has stayed true to its selfappointed but welcome role of being the true and bold witness and reflector of all the businesses of the islands for over four decades now.

We have a lot of plans for 2018. Our list of things to do is as long as the year would be and most of them are, I’m afraid to admit, carried over from the previous 12 months. Foremost is widening the option of the medium you receive your own copy of the magazine.

Very soon, we are going to offer the emagazine facility, utilising our widely used www.islandsbusiness.com We have just increased the capacity of our Internet server to allow for this capability and we are now working with our local bank to finalise online payment requirements.

The most immediate advantage of introducing electronic magazine is obvious – Islands Business will be able to widen its availability almost immediately. The other wonderful attraction of course is the luxury of reading your monthly copy at the first day of each month, irrespective of whether you live in Suva or in New York! Having said all that, we are of course mindful that a segment of our readership prefers to read a hardcopy version of the magazine.

Be assured that we have no intention of stopping printing at all. In fact we are currently reviewing this particular aspect of our business with the aim of ensuring its continuation.

2018 should also see us venture into new business with some exciting new partners both in Fiji and across the islands of the Pacific and again, in doing so, we are grateful and indebted to you all for your continuing support and patronage.

Vinaka vakalevu

Happy New Year

IT’s our first edition again for yet another new year and to say that the days are just flying by is fast becoming an understatement. First things first, vinaka, thank you all our avid readers for your trust and your business. April this year would mark our fourth year as the new owners of this publication that has stayed true to its selfappointed but welcome role of being the true and bold witness and reflector of all the businesses of the islands for over four decades now.

We have a lot of plans for 2018. Our list of things to do is as long as the year would be and most of them are, I’m afraid to admit, carried over from the previous 12 months. Foremost is widening the option of the medium you receive your own copy of the magazine.

Very soon, we are going to offer the emagazine facility, utilising our widely used www.islandsbusiness.com We have just increased the capacity of our Internet server to allow for this capability and we are now working with our local bank to finalise online payment requirements.

The most immediate advantage of introducing electronic magazine is obvious – Islands Business will be able to widen its availability almost immediately…

…..to read more buy your personal copy at