Saipan casino buried in $165m debt but hoping to regroup and resume business

Succumbing to the pressures from its creditors, Imperial Pacific International has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the U.S District Court for the CNMI, reporting debts totaling of US$165.8 million.  Before the

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Former PNG PM O’Neill cleared of UBS loan allegations

The Papua New Guinea National Court in Waigani on Friday closed criminal proceedings against Ialibu-Pangia MP and former prime minister Peter O’Neill regarding the K3billion (US$790 million) UBS loan saga for lack of

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Absolute discharge for Bainimarama, fine without record of conviction for Qiliho

Suva, Fiji: When Suva Magistrate Seini Puamau took her seat in court this morning to deliver her sentence against former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama and suspended Police Commissioner, Sitiveni Qiliho, she warned

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Australian-born judge challenges deportation from Kiribati amid long-running judicial crisis

David Lambourne, an Australian-born high court judge whose attempted deportation two years ago from Kiribati sparked a judicial crisis in the Pacific nation, appeared in court in a case closely watched by the United

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Kiribati judge hopes to finally have day in court

An expatriate judge in Kiribati hopes he will get a chance to make his case on Tuesday over his controversial suspension three years ago. David Lambourne, who is the husband of the opposition leader Tessie Lambourne,

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Pacific judiciaries ill-equipped against technology, says Judge

Rapid global advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other technologies have left judiciaries in the Pacific outdated and ill-equipped to tackle emerging challenges, “particularly when it comes to dealing

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PNG MP Lohia Boe Samuel acquitted of murder

Moresby North West MP Lohia Boe Samuel has been found not guilty, and acquitted by the Waigani National Court in Papua New Guinea Wednesday. Samuel and his co-accused Fabian Hera, were both charged with willful murder,

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Samoa Supreme Court voids former PM Tuilaepa and Lealailepule suspension

The Samoa Supreme Court today ruled that the suspension of former Prime Minister the leader of the Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP) Tuilaepa Sailele Malilegaoi and party secretary Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi for two

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New Caledonia’s FLNKS wants ICJ advice on contested vote

A New Caledonian pro-independence leader says the advice of the International Court of Justice is being sought over the contested 2021 referendum on independence from France. Roch Wamytan, who is the president of New

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Tonga Government settles legal dispute with broadband company

A confidential settlement agreement has been reached between the Government of Tonga and Kacific Broadband Satellites Group (Kacific), who have agreed to end litigation over a multi-million contract dispute.  Tonga

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Suspended PNG MP Kramer asks for alternate penalty

Suspended Minister for Immigration and Member for Madang Bryan Kramer is likely to know by Friday, on what penalty he will be slapped with by the Leadership Tribunal enquiring in to misconduct allegations against him.

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Tongan court rules law does not apply to a noble

Tonga’s Appeal Court has upheld a decision saying a law did not apply to a nobleman. A member of Parliament, a nobles’ representative, was elected in 2021 despite the fact he had a court debt. It is

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