Suspended PNG MP Kramer found guilty for alleged misconduct

Bryan Kramer (centre) talks to the media.

The Papua New Guinea leadership tribunal inquiring into misconduct allegations against suspended Madang MP Bryan Kramer today found Kramer guilty on seven of the 12 allegations of misconduct against him.

Initially, there was 14 allegations in total but two of the allegations were withdrawn during the course of the trial.

The tribunal panel comprising Justice Lawrence Kangwia as Chairman and Magistrates Edward Komia and Josephine Nidue delivered their decision unanimously and adjourned to 20 March for submissions on penalty.

The allegations included social media publication of articles by Mr Kramer allegedly scandalising the judiciary and insinuating a conflict of interest by the Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika, and articles scandalising the judiciary and accusing former Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and his lawyers for filing a fake warrant of arrest to deceive and mislead the court in 2019.

Other allegations include misappropriation of Madang’s DSIP funds and creating a structure within the Madang District Development Authority (DDA) without obtaining approval from the Department of Personnel Management pursuant to s.23 of the DDA Act 2014.

Those allegations were tried with witnesses called to testify and give evidences and cross-examined during the trial. Among the witnesses called were Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika, former Chief Justice Sir Arnold Amet, Chief Ombudsman Richard Pagen, Police Commissioner David Manning, Magistrate Paul Puri Nii, Personnel Management Secretary Taies Sansan, lawyer Geroge Lau and others.