“We are the niche”: Tourism Solomons CEO

Late last month, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare praised Tourism Solomons for its “relentless effort” to consistently grow visitor arrivals. PM Sogavare also expressed optimism about the

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Recent changes to the Kina facility rate: Are they working?

It has been three months since the Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) adjusted the Kina Facility Rate (KFR) for the first time in more than six years. The KFR is intended to serve as the interest rate at

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Pacific Trade Invest: 40 years in the Pacific

By Caleb Jarvis As a young boy growing up in Papua New Guinea (PNG), every Saturday Dad would drive up a windy road that overlooked 2-Mile settlement in Port Moresby, where people went about their daily lives. Looking

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Finding her avengers

Business profile: Stella Muller New Zealand-based Samoan entrepreneur and marketer Stella Muller has learnt some difficult lessons about when to hold on and when to loosen the reins as she has built her

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Lifting the anchor

Can more risk make state-owned banks more relevant? A new Asian Development Bank report says Pacific state-owned banks need to change their attitude to risk if they are to fulfil their

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$50 million in expenses for Fiji’s pension fund in 2018

The Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF), Fiji’s sole national pension fund may have been churning out multi-million-dollar profits over the years but running its nation-wide operation has also been a costly

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Next generation skills

Will workers of the future be ready? Space tourism guide, criminal redirection officer, commercial drone pilot, 3-D printing technician, augmented reality developer and personal privacy advisor; these are just some of

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Lessons from indigenous businesses

The Rotuman expression, “the land has eyes and teeth” is the starting point for a project looking at how communities across the Pacific have established models of economic engagement that challenge negative

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New fund to be launched for Marshallese digital currency

The Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) will set up a fund to help develop its pioneering sovereign digital currency. Work on RMI’s government-backed digital coin or SOV, which will use blockchain technology, is now

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Relentlessly curious

The secret to Singh’s success “I’m going to share a lie, a secret and a wish with you.” That was the opening gambit of Priya Singh, who at 29 is the youngest General Manager (Data, Process &

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ADB funds flood management project

YEARS of scoping work on how to manage flooding in floodprone Nadi town may finally translate into physical work as construction work on a Nadi River flood management project is expected to begin as early

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EU says tax blacklisting should be no surprise

FIJI, the Marshall Islands and Vanuatu have been added to a European Union blacklist of tax havens. And despite concerns about process raised by all three countries, the EU has told Islands Business that

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