Providing basic access to safe water and services is essential in achieving sustainable and inclusive growth in the Pacific region. However, access to improved sanitation is uneven in the region. According to UNICEF, countries such as Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu are hosting 81 per cent of the population without access. [1]
We recognise the importance of providing safe and sanitary water supply for communities throughout the Pacific. This is why we have actively pursued water and waste-water treatment projects in the region, funded by agencies such as the Asian Development Bank.
Reeves Envico is a group of specialist infrastructure contractors with over 30 years’ experience throughout Australia and the Asia Pacific region. We deliver civil works infrastructure and construction management in sectors such as water and sewerage, environment, public works, commercial, heritage, and residential.
We have successfully completed over 150 major projects in Australia and throughout the Asia Pacific, predominantly working with Water Authorities, Federal, State and Local Government, Multilateral Banks, and Government Departments of overseas countries.
Providing safe and sanitary water supply for communities
Through our water specialist team, we have contributed to the provision of water sanitation and hygiene in the Pacific region. We have undertaken meaningful projects, including a Sewage Treatment Plant in Pohnpei (FSM), Wastewater Treatment Plant in Chuuk (FSM) and Colombo (Sri Lanka), Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Ebeye (Marshall Islands), Bulk Water Transmission Pipeline from East Kola to Tasahe (Solomon Islands), Sanitation Improvement Program in Tarawa (Kiribati).
Our latest water project officially opened in 2020, the Auki Water Supply Improvement Project in Solomon Islands. As the capital of the Malaita province, Auki has witnessed population growth and deficiencies in the existing water assets. Because of this, the Solomon Islands Water Authority (SIWA) conceived the Auki Water Supply Improvement Project to secure and safe water supply for future demand. Through this project, Reeves Envico was able to supply and construct a 1 ML water tank, interconnecting transfer lines and pump stations on Auki and contributing to water safety and hygiene for its over 7,000-strong population.

Building communities
Reeves Envico is committed to sustainability and social inclusion so that we not only construct quality assets of long-term value but help build better lives. We pride ourselves on working with local contractors, communities, and all levels of government in the design and delivery of construction works.
Our projects involve the community as a partner at every step. We ensure that for every project, we are able to manage the impact of our construction work on local communities and their day-to-day activities. At the same time, we prioritise social impact and maximise community benefits – creating outcomes that support local communities and deliver lasting benefits.
Reeves Envico prioritises economic and women empowerment, ensuring that training and employment programs are in place for women in each of our projects. We have also hired graduate students in our sites, tapping into local talents and providing opportunities for students to build a career in infrastructure.
We are committed in continually building communities throughout the Pacific region, enabling basic access to water sanitation and hygiene while supporting inclusive and economic growth in the community.
Source: [1]
If you would like to know more and work with Reeves Envico – whether as an industry partner or on-site please feel free to get in touch at