Vanuatu ministers lodge Motion of No Confidence

Attempts to change the Government’s democratic system tops the list of five reasons given by some MPs in the Motion of No Confidence against Vanuatu Prime Minister Bob Loughman.

“The attempt to make significant changes to the structure of Government and the Constitution was clearly seen by the public as an obvious attempt to hold onto power by weakening the law and several key constitutional positions, which provide a check and balance within our governance system,” the MPs have stated.

“It was an attack on the very heart of our democracy, but luckily, there were enough MPs on both sides of the House who saw the potential dangers of the proposed changes and chose not to give in to the dictatorial motives behind the attempt.

“We should be all concerned that Loughman and his administration pose serious danger to our nation and democratic government, and therefore he should resign as head of government.”

They then labelled the current management of the Public Service Commission (PSC) as “chaotic”.

The motion signatories said in two short years under the leadership of Loughman as PM, the decisions of the PSC have created such distrust and disloyalty in all levels of the public service that frustrated officials are silently protesting, and this is causing delays and blockages in the implementation of national programmes and delivery of public services.

The third reason given is alleged failure to observe the legal tender process in the contract awarded for the construction of the new hospital facility at Vila Central Hospital (VCH).

The motion signatories said Loughman allegedly disregarded the law and the Government Tenders Act when he went ahead and broke ground for the construction of the special COVID-19 Ward at VCH without going through the proper legal tender process or securing funding for the project.

The MPs also accused PM Loughman of gross mismanagement of the Citizenship Programme, saying ithas almost certainly cost the country its European Union (EU) visa waiver, which is by far the greatest advantage of a Vanuatu citizenship in the international market, and which will result in the lost of the country’s single largest national revenue earner.

The final reason is alleged gross mismanagement of scholarships.

At least 25 Vanuatu Members of Parliament (MPs) signed a Calling for an Extraordinary Session of Parliament to debate a Motion of No Confidence against Prime Minister Bob Loughman this week.

If registered by the Parliament, the Motion of No Trust in Prime Minister Loughman will be the first one to be deposited this year.

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