UN provides expertise for Truth and Reconciliation Commission setup

Fiji’s Attorney-General Graham Leung met with United Nations Resident Coordinator Dirk Wagener to discuss their commitment to support Fiji with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) process in Suva.

Wagener was accompanied by the Senior Peace Development Advisor Agus Wandi.

During the meeting, the A-G highlighted the need for resources and time. 

“These initiatives take time and funds. My office has offered its services as needed, and we will continue to support the process within the available resources.”

Leung emphasised the necessity of a multipronged approach to peacebuilding. 

“Peacebuilding will take time, and there is no silver bullet to achieving sustainable peace. It requires ongoing effort and collaboration.”

Wagener shed light on the critical role of the UN in providing technical expertise and best practices to ensure the TRC process is inclusive, credible, and effective for all Fijians.

He also highlighted the UN’s proactive involvement following the Fijian Government’s request for assistance in the TRC process. 

“We have been providing technical support and advising on best practices from around the globe to ensure the process fits into the local context,” Wagener said.
“From the beginning, I have emphasized that the reconciliation process must be inclusive to avoid politicisation and ensure it adds value for the entire population.”

Wagener outlined the UN’s two areas of support adding that social cohesion remains a priority. The visit underscores the UN’s unwavering commitment to supporting Fiji’s journey towards lasting peace and reconciliation, ensuring that the TRC process is inclusive, credible, and tailored to the country’s unique context.