MSG, Indonesia dialogue on Regional Security Strategy

PHOTO: MOFA Indonesia

The Indonesian National Police (INP) is hosting the 4th Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Regional Security Strategy (RSS) Working Group (WG) from June 6 to 10, 2022 in Bali, Indonesia.

The event is attended by delegates from Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

“I hope that the deliberation of the meeting will formulate solutions to enhance our security cooperation in the region. I believe that the RSS is a significant step to the region, a comprehensive framework for addressing the security challenges in the region,” said the Deputy Chief of the Indonesian National Police during his opening remarks.

Indonesia and MSG are working to finalize the RSS document. The main objective of this document is to respond to traditional and non-traditional security challenges and to ensure a safe and prosperous region that protects its people, culture, relationship and resources-land, air and sea.

The INP is in view that constructive engagement between Indonesia and the MSG will continue to be mutually beneficial, and always be cemented by respect and honouring the sovereignty of each member.

However Indonesia’s relationship with the MSG has been criticised by some of its members.

Read our interview with the MSG’s new Director-General Leonard Louma in the next issue of Islands Business, out this week.