Samoa Gun amnesty starts next month

The Samoa Police has announced a comprehensive gun amnesty set to begin on 01 August running through 30 September in an attempt to collect illegal firearms in circulation. This initiative, spearheaded by Samoa’s

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French police kill alleged gunman amid continued unrest in New Caledonia

French police shot and killed an alleged gunman in New Caledonia on Wednesday, local prosecutors said, bringing the toll of almost two months of unrest in the French Pacific territory to 10. The suspect was killed

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Air transport woes top agenda of Marianas lawmakers’ assembly

Issues and concerns regarding air transportation between the CNMI and Guam topped the agenda of the Mariana Islands Legislature Association’s 2nd General Assembly at the Guam Congress Building on Wednesday. Guam

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Indonesian soldiers thwart fuel smuggling to Papua New Guinea

Indonesian soldiers from the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea Border Security Task Force successfully thwarted an attempt to smuggle 700 litres of subsidised fuel to PNG. The task force personnel, serving at the 122/Tombak

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Human rights vetting urged for Fiji defence treaty

A defence treaty between Australia and Fiji should include vetting processes for human rights violations, a parliamentary committee has been told. The agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Defence and the Status of

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CCTV network launched in Samoa

Criminals beware, you are now being watched as the Samoa Police and Australian Federal Police (AFP) launched the Safer CCTV Network that will keep an eye on hotspots around Apia.  It comprises 30 CCTV cameras, a

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Prison ‘dark culture’

Josefa Nata claims Fiji’s prison system is perpetuating what he describes as a “dark culture” of cover ups of the abuse of prisoners’ rights, including uninvestigated deaths, and has met with Prime Minister

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‘Help’ written in palm fronds assists U.S. forces in rescuing Micronesians stranded on tiny island

The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard found and rescued three men Tuesday from a tiny atoll south of Guam, where they spent more than a week after they were left stranded. The men, all in their 40s, set sail from Polowat Atoll,

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Opinion: Where did that Chinese police video come from?

Last night’s 60 Minutes broadcast in Australia featured extraordinary footage of 2017 Chinese police raids in Fiji, followed by the extraction of 77 People’s Republic of China citizens, hooded

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Opinion: Yes, there are Chinese police in Fiji. But that’s none of Australia’s business

Sunday’s episode of 60 Minutes revealed a fascinating tension within the Fijian government about whether to embrace a 2011 agreement signed with the Chinese government that allows Fijian police officers to receive

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U.S., FSM begin exploring military training opportunities in Yap

Washington and the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) have reaffirmed their defence and security ties, toasting a fresh economic package under the newly signed Compact of Free Association that cemented the United

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Opinion: Question for PNG foreign minister Tkatchenko – what does the defence pact mean for West Papua?

Papua New Guinea and Indonesia have formally ratified a defence agreement a decade after its initial signing.  PNG’s Foreign Minister Justin Tkatchenko and the Indonesian ambassador to the Pacific nation,

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