Fijian officer empowers women in South Sudan

Mereani Vasakula, center, with colleagues (Photo: Fiji Police)

A Fijian police officer has been recognised for her work in empowering women whilst serving in the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

On August 10, the United Nations Police (UNPOL) Women’s Network farewelled their Deputy Chair and Fiji Police’s Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Mereani Rokowati Vasakula, where she was recognised for showing the progressive and tangible contribution towards empowering local women within South Sudan and her area of responsibility.

ASP Vasakula, who has completed her tour of duty, was acknowledged for performing her duties with a high degree of integrity and dedication, in advancing the rights and quality of life for vulnerable women in South Sudan.

ASP Vasakula who held the post of Formed Police Unit Coordination Officer was commended for serving the mission with distinction and consistently demonstrating diligence, professionalism and high level of competence.

Fijian Commissioner of Police Brigadier General Sitiveni Qiliho congratulated ASP Vasakula for her achievements and says the Fiji Police Force is proud of her accomplishments.

He said women officers continue to lead the way in many aspects of policing and the organisation is fully supportive of women officers who want to pursue new opportunities whether it be on the local, regional or international policing arena.