Opinion: Fiji’s enormous contribution to global peacekeeping

29 May – the International Day of UN Peacekeeping – is an important day on the United Nations’ annual event calendar.  It is a day that we mark with great pride, admiration, solemnity and honour for the men and

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Israel frees Fijian UN peacekeepers cleared of drug smuggling suspicion

Israel has released three Fijian UN peacekeepers arrested for drug smuggling, after it emerged the suspicious substance they were carrying across the border was not liquid cocaine, police said Sunday. The three

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Fijian officer empowers women in South Sudan

A Fijian police officer has been recognised for her work in empowering women whilst serving in the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). On August 10, the United Nations Police (UNPOL) Women’s Network

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Nauru Police embarks on UN Mission in South Sudan

The first Nauru police to take part in the United Nations peacekeeping mission in South Sudan departed last month (July 17), the Nauru Government says. Superintendent Imran Scotty, Sergeant Drusky Dabadauw and Senior

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Fiji’s Unaisi Bolatolu-Vuniwaqa, UNMISS Police Commissioner

Police Commissioner Unaisi Bolatolu-Vuniwaqa is a mother, a career woman and above all, a committed police officer. In her professional life, she’s shattered many a glass ceiling and she does so with empathy, grace

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