
Against independence – and each other As French President Macron flew into Noumea for 18 hours, there were sharp divisions between political leaders – and that’s just on the anti-independence side! Even though

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Vanuatu women stump Zimbabwe in World Cricket Qualifier

A decade after its women’s cricket debut, Vanuatu’s women’s cricket team defeated 12th-ranked Zimbabwe in the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup qualifier in Abu Dhabi in April. It was the first for a Vanuatu team to

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American Samoa American Samoa is working to establish and record physical addresses. Talanei News reports that the absence of official physical addresses or location identifiers for streets, households, business,

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Movers and Shakers

The Solomon Islands Government for National Unity and Transformation (GNUT) has sworn in 12 Members of Parliament as Ministers. They are:– Rex Annex Ramofafia, National Planning and DevelopmentCoordination.–

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Jo Nata’s journey from the dark

'We let the genie out of the bottle' Emerging out of 24 years in prison, Josefa Nata is now convinced that the George Speight-led takeover of Fiji’s Parliament in 2000 was not justified and that all it did was let the

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Opening Fiji’s can of worms

Josefa Nata knows he’s expected to tell all, having featured prominently in the George Speight-led takeover of Fiji’s Parliament in 2000. In the long history of Fiji’s coups since 1987, this was not only the

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Prison ‘dark culture’

Josefa Nata claims Fiji’s prison system is perpetuating what he describes as a “dark culture” of cover ups of the abuse of prisoners’ rights, including uninvestigated deaths, and has met with Prime Minister

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Reversing the tide of colonial anthropology

Doctor Tarisi Vunidilo has emerged as a leading voice in the growing movement across the Pacific in recent years to repatriate Pacific treasures, as well as human remains from museums across Europe and other parts of

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Dealing with dengue: Pacific looks to new tools

Climate change and increased urbanisation are driving an increase in dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases and the Pacific is responding with a suite of new interventions and tactics. The World Health Organization

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Pacific obesity rates continue to concern

Pacific Island nations have the highest rates of obesity in the world, a new study has revealed. The study from the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), a worldwide network of over 1500 researchers and

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